09: Yuju's Blessing

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"This is a follow-up report on yesterday's incident at the UA rescue training facility where hero course students were attacked by villains. According to police investigations, the criminals call themselves 'The League Of Villains' and have been plotting to kill All Might since the spring of this year. Police arrested 72 villains on the scene but the League Of Villains have escaped. Their whereabouts are unknown."


Yuju huffs, sweat profusely dripping down her face from her opened pores. She wipes them away with one of her red forearms before going back into a fighting stance position, immediately dodging a foot that was sent to her face at an alarming pace. She continues to dodge attack after attack from the white haired male who's smile is still plastered on his lips despite the nonstop five hour training.

The school is closed today due to the attack from the USJ, giving the students, most especially the 1-A class, to rest and relax. That proved difficuly for most of the students however, the incident still fresh in their minds.

Yuju Itadori didn't rest but rather trained nonstop for the whole day with her brother Yuji, Satoru and everyone else. She shared to her family how she hadn't payed attention to her surroundings and would've lost her life if it wasn't for Sukuna(Yuji understandably freaked out after hearing this), making her frustrated and angry. She told them to train her without mercy starting from five thirty in the morning until nine in the evening despite the protests of everyone and telling her to take it easy.

Harsh training was and has always been her coping mechanism and punishment for whatever mistake she did in a battle no matter how big or small it is. Not only was it to physically beat herself up over it, but it also helps her on improving her abilities and lessening her mistakes.

No matter how confident she may be with her abilities, she would always punish herself with harsh and merciless training if she ever made a mistake during a fight or battle. It may not be a big deal to most people, but god was it suffocating for her to even think of it. A perfectionist you may say, though she'd deny it.

Yuju dodges a punch, grabbing Satoru's forearm before sending a roundhouse kick to his face. Satoru, as always, was able to dodge it with his left forearm before twisting it and attempted to send the teenager to the ground. Yuju was able to land her hands on the grassy ground and be in a pushup position before sending another kick unexpectedly, something the the man in his early thirties barely dodged.

The sudden sound of beeping from a timer echoed in the semi-silent area, catching the attention of everyone there. Yuju looks at Maki who held a phone in her hands. The green haired girl looks up to make eye contact with the pinkette before showing the time on her phone, "It's 21:00."

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