36: Who Are You

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"You shut your mouth!"

Satoru looks down to his left, a butterfly knife just an inch away from his rib area. He hums with a smile, seemingly unaffected, "Took you awhile but a little faster than expected." He grins, "Good job, Ju!"

Yuju snarled, swung the knife once again around his neck only for it to be useless. "I said shut up! You mocking and riling up your opponents is annoying, did you know that?!"

"Hey! Calm down!" The older of the two shamans backed away. Maybe even teleported from one random nearby area to another to dodge the knives being thrown at himㅡ though there was really no point in him doing so.

He didn't bother kicking his student this time. With how she was simply using weapons imbued with her cursed energy, she had obviously come back to her senses to know recklessly using cursed energy(like she did earlier) was a risk to her right now.

Unlike Yuji, Yuju wasn't one to continously flow out cursed energy for long periods of time. Most often than not, it was just a quick burning flame before it died after a crucial attack was done... one thing Satoru found to eye roll at.

And she wasn't as skilled with using black flash like her brother who's taken the nickname of 'record breaker'. The only time she was able to manifest a black flash was only once during the culling game when she was in fifth gradeㅡ or when she was supposed to be in fifth grade before Satoru pulled her out of school after she became a vessel of Sukuna.

So... Yuju settled for weapons with cursed energy instead. She didn't need to use up the cursed energy that was flowing through her body and the energy in each of her butterfly knives were more than enough to exorcise a special grade curse. It's all thanks to Maki that she's as skilled with any kinds of weapons today.

"You're mad.." Satoru dumbly pointed out, dodging another knife coming his way, "Like mad mad... really mad."

"Who wouldn't be mad you flatass beanpole?!" Yuju scowled, "I'm gonna make you stand outside under the sun and be a support stick for my delphiniums!"

Both Satoru and Sukuna simultaneously sweatdropped. "You really do have a unique way of threathening."

The young sorcerer scowled, pointed the tip of her knife directly at Satoru's throat. Hanabi snarled and bared her fangs, more than upset with the blindfolded male for hurting one of her family. To say the curse was family oriented was an understatement. "Hurrr mamaaa..!"

Sukuna made an ugly expression as if he was watching a younger sibling get scolded by their parents. He points at Satoru and giggled, "ohhh~ Bibi's mad at you!"

Yuju cringed away, scunching her face as she looked at Sukuna with a disgusted look. To hear him giggling like a schoolgirl... it made her gagㅡ to which Sukuna looked back at her with an offended look.

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