12: Neighbors

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Once the weekend was over, Yuju, Yuji and Satoru went back to Musutafu with the last train for Sunday evening, arriving in the earliest morning of monday. Fortunately for Yuju, Satoru didn't plan on training her around five in the morning and let her have her five hours of peaceful sleep seeing as she told him they'll be training in school for the sports festival coming up.

To say Yuju was happy was an understatement. Though she didn't really show how much she felt about it, choosingly to simply smiling, she was ecstatic that she's able to have more than three hours of sleep. Being a sorcerer, training and having classes took up most of her time so she doesn't get to sleep as often.

On weekdays she'll get up at four to train until seven, go to school until five, go home and train until ten thirty to twelve in the evening, have dinner and go to bed.
On weekends she'll have to pull an all-nighter for her job as a sorcerer, sleep around two to three in the morning and wake up as early as five or six to help the first years in Jujutsu Tech. How she isn't sluggish or have any bags under her eyes is still a mystery to alot of people.


Yuju looks up from her notes about her quirk, suddenly meeting heterochromatic orbs of grey and turquoise, she takes a step back from the close proximity. Once her brain finally processed who the person beside her is, she lets out a sigh. "Todoroki.." she mumbles with a nod before going back to reading her notes.

"I didn't know you lived around here." Todoroki commented and took a look behind him to see the one house in the small and peaceful neighborhood that had been built just a couple months ago, probably the same size as his own home but a little bigger.

He turns around to face Yuju to see that she was also looking back at the house he could guess to be where she lives. Yuju purses her lips before turning back around and walking straight. "I grew up in Sendai with my brother and grandad until I was in my fifth year in elementary." She shared with a shrug, "Moved to Tokyo and lived there for five years until I moved here in Musutafu to attend UA."

Todoroki listened attentively before nodding his head and letting out a hum.

The walk to UA was silent, something that both Yuju and Todoroki enjoyed. No conversation, just happily breathing in the polluted city air... Sometimes Yuju wished to live on the countryside and have an animal and vegetable farmㅡ maybe even vanilla orchids. But she did have to admit that city lights at night are aesthetically pleasing and gorgeous.

Walking into UA, both had quickly noticed the stares they were getting, something that irked the pinkette so much that it was starting to show on her face. Todoroki attempted to hold her hand, something he noticed that Mina would do to comfort her, but he was suprised and a little disappointed to see that Yuju moved her hand back and away from hisㅡ quite harshly as well. Todoroki sighed and retreated his hand back to his side.

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