47: Janus-Faced

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TRIGGER WARNING: mentions of emotional and mental instability, suicide, manipulation, gaslighting

DISCLAIMER: DO NOT manipulate or gaslight anyone, and neither should you take emotional and mental instability so lightly. It isn't fun and it has such a negative effect on people(as you will see how and why very soon)

 It isn't fun and it has such a negative effect on people(as you will see how and why very soon)

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Yuji sat in the corner of his room, the place dim as the moon that was high in the midnight sky was the only thing providing light, just barely grazing his bare toes, the rest of him hiding in the darkness.

His knees were to his chest, hands on his head and pulling on his short strands of pink hair as his body silently shook, wide, tear-stained eyes and an agaped mouth as he stared into nothingness.

The urge to scream and cry as loud as he could was too temptingㅡ to let the universe know just how much they had made him suffer.

Overwhelmed with emotions, festering and intrusive thoughts would always plague his mind like a virusㅡ feeding on his mentality like a grand, royal feast; showing no mercy as they left not even a scrap of food for those who needed it the most.

In those dark moments did unsettling thoughts begin to creep out of the corners and crevises of his brainㅡ thoughts that he would never think of with a rational mind.

Maybe it was just the spur of the moment with his emotional state gone haywire, but he questioned his unknown parents and the universe together of why....

Why was he born?

Why was his sister born?

Why did he have to suffer and put up with a sibling he had no word in getting created?

Why he and her both had to suffer as unstable people in this already cruel and agonizing world where only the strongest survives.

Physical weakness, though already agonizing enough, was nothing compared to emotional and mental instabilityㅡ the topic of fighting with one's own mind fascinating, and yet so hauntingly disturbing at the same time.

A silent killer it trully was, for no one but you knows why you died until your body has become cold and unresponsiveㅡ already far from saving and being brought back to life.

Sometimes... he just wished he was never born... wished his sister was never born... wished that they weren't even related at all-


Yuji jumped, startled with the sudden voice that had broken the silent midnight air with that terrifyingly calm tone.

He looks up, wide, tear-stained brown eyes staring into narrowed and dull identical ones, his body frozen still from the sudden rush of fear within him.

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