13: Sports Festival

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Days past until finally came the sports festival; the day every UA student and the entire Japan waited for.

Yuju working hard for the past two weeks was an understatement. During those days, her five hours of sleep turned to threeㅡ training at the crack of dawn, during and after school and even past midnight. Despite her strict and profuse training, her brother didn't allow her to go a day without eating three mealsㅡ had to force feed her dinner once or twice.

"Eat the broccoli."


"Eat it."


"Do it or i'll stick it down your throat."

Yuji ended up having to turn the green vegetable into a smoothie and forced it down Yuju's throat with a tube, wasn't the best experience. That's how much he loves his little sister. Yuju knew he meant well so she didn't get mad at him.

She didn't even go to Tokyo for the weekend to do her weekly job as a sorcerer, simply staying at home and training until the heavy punching bag made a dent in the wall(which didn't really happen.) She ended up gaining more arm muscles though and her punching power got stronger.

Satoru held back less with training her around this time, forced her to do better as well which Yuju was most greatful for despite how pained and tired her entire body was. Yuji, on the other hand, did hold back half of his power during their boxing trainingㅡ if he hadn't done so, then Yuju would have flown back and broke several walls. He was able to bend a soccer goal with a lead ball five years ago after all.


7:56 AM
We'll be watching!
Good luck, Ju!
(/^w^)/*my love and support to u*


Yuju smiles at the recent text from her brother. No matter how loud and annoying he might be sometimes, him supporting her always makes her happy inside. 'Thanks, nii-chan..'

She turns off her phone and puts it in her locker before starting to do her stretching and warm-ups, something that also helped her nerves from the thought of an entire country watching her. It was more of annoyance that she was feeling honestly. It would have been fine if it wasn't broadcasted on television... but she's just one person and almost every UA student were excited about appearing on tv.

It wasn't only because she didn't want the country having their eyes on her, it was also the high possibility that villains would also be watching. If they're smart, any knowledge they could get from a famous sports festival from a famous school that births new heroes is an advantage for them. They'll learn the students' quirks and quirk weaknesses and drawbacksㅡ such things that could help in heightening their chances in killing them.

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