05: Reckless And Dangerous

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Ever since Yuju was eleven and was thrusted into the world of curses with her older brother, she met some people with scary awesome powers. She's trained with the best jujutsu sorcerer and number four hero, exorcised cursed spirits and is even a vessel of the king of curses himself. So it's safe to say...

That she's not afraid of the numerous villains in front of her. Heck, she simply thinks of this as a training instead of a life or death situation. Petty street villains don't scare her.

You know what scares her though? If Satoru ate her vanilla ice cream again.

"The only real heroes I see are Thirteen and Eraserhead." The misty villain responsible for many other villains coming in spoke, "Perplexing. According to the schedule we retrieved from UA, All Might should be here as well."

Aizawa stare intensely at both the blue haired and misty villain through the yellow goggles he had put on, ready to engage in combat when needed. "So you scumbags used the press as a cover and snuck in the campus."

Honestly clever. Yuju said with narrowed eyes. But dumb to come in a place full of pro heres.

"Where is he?" The scratchy voice of the blue haired villain was enough to make the pinkette's eye twitch, reminding her of a fork scraping through a blackboard. "And I went through the trouble of bring so many friends who are all so eager to meet him." He said with mocking sad tone, "They want All Might, the great symbol of peace. I can't believe he's not here... maybe if I kill a few kids he'll come out to play."

Yuju couldn't help but purse her lips and let out a silent chuckle. Is it weird to find a villain's idea of killing children so the person he wants to see come out funny? If he wants All Might to come out so badly, he could have just phoned him.

Yuju snickered at her own thoughts, her humor tends to come out in the worst situations. This one is no exemption.

Aizawa's scarf began to float around him, ready to jump in and attack. Thirteen outstretched their arm in front of the 1-A class, a way to say 'do not interfere'.

"What? Real villains?" Kirishima asked, disbeliefed like the rest of his other classmates. "No way." He frowned, "How can many of them get in to a UA facility this secure?"

"Yeah... Thirteen, why aren't the alarms going off?" Yaoyorozu asked the question that's in everyone's minds as well. Why aren't they going off?

"Good question..." The hero mumbled, though they didn't bother to sugarcoat what they said next to comfort the students. It would be best for them to know how serious the situation actually is. "I'm not sure."

"Is the entire campus under attack?" Todoroki asked, making everyone, even Yuju, turn their heads towards him. "Or is this their only target? Either way, if the alarm sensors aren't being triggered, then one of these villains has a quirk that masking their presence here." He said, "They carefully chose this isolated facility as an entry point at a time when a class is being taught." He narrowed his eyes and spoke added "They're fools for trespassing here, but they thought this out."

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