24: Dumb Sibling Energy

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Yuju peaks out of her bedroom door, looks around the hallway before stepping out and quickly shuffling to the living area and to her relief, everyone was still there still watching scream queens. She skims through each person's face before landing on the person she's looking for and with a whispery tone, she calls out, "Nee-chan.!"

Both Nobara and Maki turns to look at her, both who were slightly wide-eyed to see her out of her room and talking to them. Eventually Yuju's sudden appearance also caught everyone else's attention, though the pink haired girl simply ignored everyone else, keeping her eyes on both of the only girls in the room. "Do you have makeup?" She asked with pursed lips, "and a skirt."

Megumi shows her a look of disbelief, he knew what was going on and everyone else sure did too. Satoru gasps and abruptly stands up from his seat, a look of betrayal crossing his face. "You did dressup without me!" He whined similar to that of a child not being given candy, his pout worsened when Yuju simply ignored him.

Maki shook her head, not having any makeup or skirt other than the one she's currently wearing. Nobara, on the other hand, stood up from the couch and laughed, now completely forgetting the american show that was still playing on the tv as she grabs Yuju's hand and leads her to her room.

Nobara slides the door open, enters her room and goes through her closet full of chic clothings. Yuju stands just outside, not wanting to enter someone's room without their permission.

"If you're gonna keep on dressing boys up, you gotta buy your own clothes." The redhead says, though her tone lacked that of a scolding one. Finally having what she was looking for, Nobara turns around and walks over to Yuju before lightly pinching the teen's cheek, "But I don't really mind since i'm helping you."

Finally getting the skirt and makeup that she wanted, Yuju thanks Nobara before shuffling back to her own room where a flustered Kirishima stands in the center, the clothes that he originally wore left discarded on her bed whilst the male wears nothing other than a black long sleeve turtleneck and his boxers.

Hearing the door slide open, Kirishima visibly tenses up in his place and the red tint on his cheeks darkened when his eyes lands on Yuju's figure and the things in her arms. He cups the front of his boxers with his hands, trying to cover up as much as possible because the girl standing in front if him refused to let him wear his own shorts. He didn't want to upset her so he said "yes ma'am" and did as told.

"I uh...." Kirishima started though his voice failed him to make a proper sentence. He coughs and tried again, "I knew you wanted to do something I wasn't prepared to do but dressup?"

Yuju stares at him with a straight face before lightly nodding her head, "Yes."

The redhead simply sighs, though the red tint in his cheeks never left. Never in his time of knowing Yujuㅡa mature individualㅡ did he expect her to have a thing with dressup.

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