Chapter 34

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I went to the airport to see Jack off today. His mom came with his sisters, but I think Kristin's gonna leave next week to go visit Lavy too. It's gonna be weird to have the house alone with all three dogs and Jack's new cat. He got her not too long ago and she's super cute, but not too much of a snuggler.

He gives me a tight hug before he goes, handing me his car keys.

"I love you, Addy. I promise I'll face-time as soon as I get to the hotel." He kisses me sweetly.

"I know you will. Be safe, okay? Tell Lavy I miss her too."

His warm lips press to my forehead and then he turns and leaves. It's frustrating to watch him leave, but I know he'll be back.

I'm having such a wierd reaction as I sit in the car with my pup. Cortez watches me in wait for a cue.

It's not a bad feeling. It's just like, this odd, light feeling in my chest.

It's like I'm realizing something I hadn't before.

Kyle wouldn't have left me alone. Not for any reason. He didn't trust me. He had to be with me nearly 24/7. If he had to go somewhere, I was dragged around with him. If I had to go somewhere, well I just didn't.

Jack is trusting me enough to leave me here on my own. He's not worried that I cheat on him, or that I do something stupid, or wreck something while he's gone. The only thing he's worried about is if I'm going to be okay.

It makes me feel... free. I feel free, and confidant with myself. I feel trustworthy.

It's odd to slip in Jack's bed with out him that night. Jack had me on video call for nearly three hours as he got into his room and got comfortable. I've never been to Hawaii, so I asked him what it's like.

That's what I imagine as I fall asleep. I imagine visiting the island with Jack. The thick jungle and seeing the volcano. It brings me to remember one of my favorit Disney franchises; Lilo and Stitch.

The next morning I sit down at Jack's computer and pull up our Disney+ account.

I watch the whole first two movies before Jack calls me and I pause the thrid just past the intro.

"Good morning baby, how're you doing?"

"I'm okay." I smile, happy to hear him. "I was just watching some old cartoons."

"Oh? What ones?"

"Lilo and Stitch." I lean back in his comfy gaming chair. "They kinda remind me of us."

Jack chuckles lightly. "Oh yeah? How?"

"Well, you're like Lilo. You're a little weird, but you're really talented and lovable and you've got such a big heart." I giggle. "And I'm like Stitch. You picked me and brought me home and made me part of your family. Even though I have lots of issues, we're working on them together. Even though I did bad things and lost myself for a while, you didn't judge me for it and you help me find who I am."

"How does that saying go? "Ohana means family, and family means no one gets left behind?""

I laugh, nodding as if he could see me. "Yeah, I think that's right."

"You're adorable, you know that?"

I grab the balled up hoody that I stole out of his side of the closet last night and hug it to me. "Only because you tell me. If it was anyone else I wouldn't believe them."

I have to let him go when my mum pulls up in the yard and Kristen calls me upstairs. Mum's soo happy to see me, and how much better that I'm doing. Kristen invites her inside the house. She's been looser with the Covid guidlines as of late, I noticed. Jack's been having guests more often to work on music with, which sometimes spills to gaming. The girls sometimes are allowed to have friends over too.

I bring mum down to the room to show her. She's not seen where I've been living yet.

"Oh wow, this is lots of space." Mum smiles bright. "Looks like a whole apartment down here besides a kitchen and laundry space."

I giggle soflty. "We don't have a shower down here either, but the tub is perfect."

"Oh, you put up your pictures."

My mum's instantly gravitated to the polaroids on the wall. I follow and her eyes start to glisten. Her reaction surprises me a bit.

She starts to sniffle now, and I study her for a little bit before saying anything.

"Why are you upset?" I whisper.

Her dark eyes turn to me and she smiles.  "I'm not upset, Addy. I'm happy. I'm happy because I know you're happy here."

"Because I have pictures up?"

"Addy," she takes my hands and sits on the corner of the bed. "You only ever put up pictures of things that made you happy. You were always like that. For a while, I know there was nothing that made you trully happy. Your walls were bare for such a long time."

I look down at her worn hands. Her skin is really dry, and has been for a long time too.

"I know there is something in all those photos that make you happy again, and I'm so glad you could find that again." My mom leans over and hugs me tightly. I hug her back with a content sigh.

"Lets go get the apartment ready for Cece." I say as we pull back. "I've already packed up for a couple nights. I've got Cortez's stuff packed too."

Cortez jumps up on the bed, having heard his name. My mum laughs and pets him goofily as I get up and grab a leash and harness.

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