Chapter 10

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I stay out while Jack's gone. Afraid to have a run-in with Jennifer. Cortez pants rather heavily and it's really humid out. It rained last night, and got really hot today.

"I'm sorry, buddy." I squat down against a building in the shade with him and give him some water from my bottle. "I know it's too warm. I donno how long it's gonna be."

I check his paws. I always carry his little protective boots in case the cement gets too hot. They're made of this tough mesh and have rubber grips. I decide to put them on and he sits patiently.

Jack shoots me a text while I'm sending one to my mom to call me when she gets the chance. I wanna know when she'll be home so we can talk.


Hey, mom said I can bring you home tonight if you want.

I'm quick to reply with a yes. I'd love to spend the night there. I miss Isla and Ava and Syd and being around their family.

"Alright, Tez. Lets go get our over-night bag."

His tail wags excitedly as I stand and we head back.

I slip into my room without running into Jen. I have Cortez pick a toy and roll up his travel bed. He's got more stuff than I do, and I know it well. My mum's always telling me that I need to start getting stuff for myself.

But even though I was only in for six months, I got used to only having a few objects. My jumpsuit, my book, and a couple small necesities. Yes, there were a few things I had that weren't exactly permitted, but I got slick at hiding things real quick. I still have some of those same things hidden around my room, mainly because they're actually really useful.

"Oh, you're home." Jen pops her head into my bedroom even though I closed my door.

"Why is it you get mad at us for not knocking, but then;" I motion at the door. "The prison has more courtesy than you."

She snorts and I wonder how anyone can find anything about that girl attractive.

"I can't wait until Oliver gets back from Japan." She mutters, leaving my door wide open as she walk away.

I close the door and finish packing up my things. I hope that Jack isn't too far away.

I'm waiting at the dining table when my mum and Cece come in. Cece doesn't even acknowledge me, really. She just looks at me blankly and keeps walking. She must've taken a couple of the pills she's been perscribed to mellow her out when she's panicky.

We used to be really close. Even if she's younger than me by four years. She was more my best friend than my sister. We'd do everything together, even when I first met the boys I'd invite her to hang out with us and she loved it.

But now she's just a shell of herself. She barely laughs or smiles. She's just kinda there, unless she takes a swing. In that case she gets violent outbursts. Which is a side effect of the medications she's on which is supposed to help "control" that...

It's terrible to say, but I've given up on getting her back a long while ago. She's been like this for the past few years and I've given as much energy into that cause as I could.

"Hey Addy! I'm sorry I didn't answer your texts, I just wanted to get home." My mum lets out a deep breath as she sets her suitcase to the side. "How's everything going?"

"Actually, mum, I've got something to talk to you about." I stand up from the couch.

I hate to spring this up on her now, but in prison I learned fast that if you're going to say something, you might as well just spit it out and deal with the consequences. If you don't, then shut your mouth and mind your buisness.

She tilts her head curiously and sits with me. "Okay. Well, what's up?"


"Addy had Jack over in her room." Jen comes up and rats the moment she spots our mother. "They had the door closed too."

I roll my eyes and sit back in my chair. This is rediculous.

"I can't stay here with Jennifer." I state, ignoring the bigger girl completly. "We're completly incompatable and I don't think it's a good idea for me to be here for much longer."

"What-?" My mum purses her lips. "Jen, what did I tell you about minding your own buisness to start off with."

"I don't see why Addy can sleep with a guy in her room and I can't even have Oliver in the apartment."

"Addy's known Jack for a while and they met in school and Jack never lied to me. They didn't "meet" over the internet and hide it. And you and Oliver both lied and hid things from me." I can see the fury in my mom's brown eyes. She calms and turns back to me. "Addy, you know I don't want you to go."

I nod, looking down at my hands. "I know."

"But where would you go?" She continues as if Jennifer had not butted in.

"That's what I wanted to talk to you about." I take a moment's pause to find the right words. "I've been hanging out with Jack again ever since I went to Jonah's and he's the one that suggested that maybe I can go to Kristin's."

I can see the heartbreak on my mother's face along with something I can't decipher. I give her a moment.

There's a knock on the door and I get up, knowing it's probably Jack. Low and behold it is and I let him in.

"Oh! Hi miss Jaque." Jack greets her with a sheepish smile. "Long time no see."

"It's nice to see you too, Jack." My mum smiles at him.

I sit back down at the table and have Jack join us.

We have some banter before Jack checks his watch. We should get going. My mum lets us go without contest. This will give her time to process what I told her and hopefully she won't take it too hard.

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