Chapter 41

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I stand in the defendant's box in a near empty court-room as the judge reviews the case. Jack sits behind me, having insisted he come. My P.O. also came, in order to testify as a witness of my behaviour. My lawyer stands beside me, having reccomended I call my mom as well, but I can't put her through another day in court. I know she would come in a flash, but I also know how hard it is for her to see me here. Almost as hard as it is for myself standing here.

I did call Jonah, forgetting he's out of town, but he said he could vouche for me over phone if it means anything.

"Mister Avery, can you come up to the stand please?"

Jack's sprung up from his seat in an instant and heads over to the witness stand. I watch him in awe as he sits with not a ounce of worry. The judge makes Jack swear on the bible to tell nothing but the truth before asking questions.

"As I undertand, you are miss Jaques's partner. And you two have been dating for how long?"

Jack takes a moment to think. "It's been a while. At least nine or ten months I think."

She nods to herself. "And in that time, has Addison ever shown any sort of agression towards you or anyone else?"

"No I don't- I mean once, but that was my fault. We got into a little arguement but not really. But it was completly my fault. I knew Addy was getting upset and I should've gave her her space, but I did the opposite and she gave me a little push. She apologized and I think that's the point where I really realized how much she didn't trust herself at that point. How scared she was of herself because it was just a little push, but for her she felt like she just beat me." He answers, being completly transparent. I wouldn't ask anything less.

"Is she still that scared of herself do you think? Do you think she'd ever hurt someone if she lost control?"

Jack shakes his head. "No, Addy wouldn't ever hurt anybody. She's one of the most compassionate, empathetic, kind-hearted people I know. She'll apologize for something she didn't even do if she even feels remotely like it could have something to do with her."

"As for being afraid... I don't know. I know it doesn't seem like it as much anymore. I can tell you that she has way more confindance then before. You'd have to ask her to be honest."

"Well, miss Jaques? Do you or do you not trust yourself?"

"I..." I pause. "I haven't thought about it that much recently your honnor, but I do feel far less lost than before. I'm far more relaxed. I see my therapist at least every few weeks. I'm not scared that I hurt Jack anymore unless I have a night terror."

The judge nods to himself.

"I have one last question for you, Mister Avery. If the court was to wave parole, would you feel a hundred percent safe with miss Jaques? Do you feel the public would be safe with her in it?"

"Yes, your honnor." Jack replies with complete sincerity.

There's a pause and he dismisses Jack from the stand. The silence drags on when Jack's seated again.

"Addison Jaques." The middle-aged judge finally speaks. "I hereby end your parole. You are now free to do as you please, as any regular law-abiding citezen."

I'm over the moon when my parole is waved. Jack's soo damned happy that he makes arrangements that very day. Booking tickets, the hotel, calling Gabby. He has it all set for in a week.

In that week, I get to hang out with all the boys. They're taking enough precautions that I'm not too nervous about the virus with them.

Then its finally time to go. 

It's been a long time since I've been on a plane. Since I moved to California. Jack gives me the window seat so that I can watch. I love watching us go higher and higher to cruising altitude, then lower as we get to landing.

The people are friendly here. More than L.A.. Jack takes us straight to the hotel, because that's where we have to stay to quarentine.

This is day four of the quarentine, and I have to admit it's really hard to stay in this one room for soo long.

"Addy, lemme play you a song."

I glance up at Jack, who'd been messing with his little ukulele. I was just laying on the bed listening to him as he strumed and hummed anyway. My eyes glued to the ceiling.


He straightens himself up and I sit up too. He starts to strum.

It's a lovely song and I lay on my stomach with a smile, watching as he  sings a sweet love song for me and I reach over and put my hand on his knee. My heart's melted and I'm soo happy to be here with Jack.

"I loved it, babe." I smile when he finishes. "Now I wanna kiss. Please?"

"Of course, baby." He chuckles, setting aside the instrument to lean down and kiss.

He ends up crawling in bed with me and we pass a couple of hours under the sheets with the curtains drawn, then hop in the shower.

He makes being stuck in a room together fun. Jack makes it far easier and he keeps me occupied. He keeps me distracted when I need a distraction, and he does things to relax me when he notices I'm getting tense or stressed.

The last day is the hardest. I can't ignore the memories of being locked in the old bedroom at the old apartment anymore. They ate their way through everything else and just won't leave.

"Addison, you listening?" Jack asks softly, planting a soft kiss into my hair.


"I was asking what you want for breakfast, sweetheart." He mumbles, combing his hand through my hair. "You okay?"

I shake my head lightly. "I'm not hungry..."

"Baby..." he moves his hand down to my back and scratches it under my shirt. "What's up?"

"I... my memories won't leave me alone."

"Memories? You wanna talk about it?"

I think for a moment. Talking to Jack always makes me feel a little better. I pull him down beside me and lay on his chest. He embraces me gently.

"Sometimes Kyle would lock me in our room for days at a time. Mostly when I had a lot of marks on me, so that if anyone was coming over they wouldn't see."

He takes a deep breath.

"I was always terrified when he did that. I never knew when he would come in, or what kind of mood he would be in. I was too scared to feel lonely when that happened."

Jack strokes my cheek gently. "You're not scared now, are you?"

I shake my head. "It's hard to explain. My brain is saying that I should be. As if I was still there. But I don't want to be. I know you wouldn't leave me locked in the room."

"Never, baby girl. I'm locked in with you. I'll protect you, baby." He soothes. "When I leave, I'm taking you with me. Always."

I take a deep breath, his scent filling my nose.

"I just wanna lay like this with you." I whisper. "You're safe."

With that last statement, Jack just tightens his arms around me and doesn't let go. I rest my ear on his shoulder.

The Best Part of Me -Jack Avery Fanfic.Where stories live. Discover now