Chapter 9

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"Addy, let me ask my mom if you can come stay with us."

I raise an eyebrow, reguarding Jack quizzically. "Your house is already full, Jack. You got your sisters and mom all there too."

"They all love you, Adds. You're always welcome home."

"You don't welcome a murderer into your home, Jack." My mood takes a drastic plunge and I glare at my own hands; the memory of blood projecting through my vision and staining them red.

"You're not a murderer." Jack says sternly and I tense up at how harsh it was.

He takes a deep breath, probably reminded that my reactions and behaviours are no longer as they were. I'm somehow both more sensitive and hardened. "Addison, look at me."

My gaze flickers up to his.

"You're not a murderer." His eyes burrow deep into mine with all the sincerity he can muster. "I know you didn't just wake up and decide to kill him. You didn't plan it. I know you'd never do that."

I bite my lip, an ache in my soul. "I..."

"I don't think a murderer would put up with as much bullshit as you do from your sisters." Jack adds. "You're not a murderer. You just got cornered and your fight or flight took over. It was just your instincts."

I take a deep breath. "I'll have to let my parole officer know if they say it's okay."

Jack's whole face lights up like a little kid, but he contains himself. "Okay. Okay. I'm gonna call mom now okay? Can I put her on speaker? I want you to talk too."

I nod, a silly smile spreading on my face at his reaction. He really is such a goofball.

"Hey hun." I hear Kristin's sweet voice through Jack's phone. "What's up?"

"Hi mom. I got you on speaker and I'm with Addy right now." Jack smiles at me with his perfectly imperfect teeth.

"Oh! How is she doing?"

"I'm okay I think." I speak up.

I remember having soo many talks with Kristin. She's soo kind-hearted. Her whole family is, really. There's no such thing as the perfect parent, but she's gotta be close to it. She supports her kid's interests and taught them soo much respect.

"Mom, I have a question." He says, looking up at the blank TV screen in the living room.


He glances at me before continuing. We don't have to worry about my sister overhearing anything because she's in her bedroom with the door closed and she usually sleeps in until two or three in the afternoon. Whereas I wake up around seven, sometimes six or eight in the morning. And Jack woke up at nine thirty.

"I was wondering if Addy can come stay with us for a while. There's a lot of tension and stress at her place right now and it's not healthy."

There's a long pause.

"It's something we'll have to sit down and talk about. Has Addy brought it up to her mom that she's thinking of leaving?"

"We um, haven't got to talk to her yet. It was my idea and I figured we'd ask you first." Jack chews the corner of his lip and I lay my hand beside his as an offer for him. He takes it with a smile. "But we'll talk to her as soon as she gets back."

"She should be back either tonight or tomorrow morning. She has to pick up Ceceilia before she gets here." I speak up.

"Oh. Okay then. Well, Jack, if you want to come home today we can sit down with your sisters and talk about it. Sydnie's here right now and I'll ask her to stick around."

I nod to him as he glances at me curiously.

"I'll take Tezzy out for a walk while you go."

"Oh yeah, Addy's got a dog now too."

"Well maybe after we talk, Addy can come visit and maybe stay the night." Kristin says. "She can bring her dog, but Sydnie's got her cat now."

"Cortez is pet-friendly." I say, not even needing to check to know he's sitting beside me waiting for a command.

"Alright. Well, talk to you after." She says. "I gotta go pick up something for supper."

"Alright, mom. Love you."

"Love you too. Bye." With that he hangs up.

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