Chapter 5

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"Jack..." I trail, my voice sleepy. We ended up staying out all day and we got back to Jonah's really late. He left the door unlocked for me because I sent him a text to let him know. We had wanted to watch a movie, and without thinking about the time we put it on quietly as to not wake Jonah since he's in bed.

"Yeah?" His attention breaks away from the TV in an instant and I have it all.

I can't help but admire the way his thick lashes shade his already dark eyes. Dark eyes that are soo focused on me.

"Are you gonna spend the night?" I inquire, fighting the burn threatening to creep into my face. "I mean, it's already super late..."

"I can spend the night." He chuckles lightly. "Just like our old sleep-overs, huh?"

Happiness spreads in my chest and there isn't any way for me to filter my emotions right now. I'm sure I'm beaming. Overly delighted by the fact that Jack brought them up.

"Those were always fun." I say, smiling down at my hands in my lap. "Everyone thought we were a thing even when we weren't."

"That's cause Sydnie went around telling people that cause she didn't want me with anyone else." Jack laughs. "And she'd always tell anyone who asked about you that you were taken too."

I giggle. He didn't tell me that before, but I don't doubt for a second that it's true. Syd's always routed for us, from the moment she met me and we got to know each other.

"Let me go change and I'll grab you a pillow."

I get up and go downstairs to the spare bedroom and change. Then I grab the comforter and an extra blanket and head back with my arms full.

Jack sets the couch up so that our heads are close. He used to have a corner couch like this at his parent's place and this is how we'd always set it up so that we could whisper to each other and not make too much noise while everyone else slept.

The nostalgia is real as we lay down. The only thing different is that Jack's not got his long curls spilling over the pillow. That and Cortez is sprawled out next to me on the floor where I can easily reach for him.

The Best Part of Me -Jack Avery Fanfic.Where stories live. Discover now