Chapter 38

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Staying in the big house alone was quite an experience. I'm okay with it though. I spoke to my P.O. (parole officer) and she said if I feel okay and I feel I can be responsible enough alone, then it's not a bad thing. It's not like it's perminant, and it's not like I've got nobody to talk to now.

And really, it's not all that lonely. I had all the dogs and Jack's kitty cat.

All the girls came home first. Jack wants to spend as much time with Lavy as he can. I don't blame him at all and I'm happy he's so happy. He really does seem genuinely blissful.

Isla actually came down to check on me a couple times since they got back. She even came down to just sit in the bed and talk. Yesterday she watched a movie with me too.

Today I'm just doing some chores around the house. I gave the dogs a "spa-day." I brushed the bigger dogs, then they all had a bath this morning. I got out what was left of Cortez's loose fur, and Lucas and Sandi absolutely went bonkers after their baths. I had to wait for them to calm down to trim up their nails, and to sorta finish the job, I've got some doggy perfume that I brought up from Cortez's shelf.

It smells of vanilla mint, and Cortez is a little doll when he sees the spray. He lifts his head up as I spray a little on his chest, then on his back. Sandi takes it as a game; trying to catch the sprays. Lucas's already too exaughsted and is asleep when I spray him.

I'm now doing Cortez's laundry; cleanig off what fur I can from his beds and covers before throwing them in the wash. I'm gonna do the bedding on Jack and I's bed too after this.

It's odd that Jack's not called me yet today, but maybe he's just too busied with Lavy. That or he's sleeping in. Either way, I'm not too worried because I know he will for sure call to say good night.

Finally, I hang up Tezzy's things on the line outside after gathering up our own beding. It takes up only a small portion of the clothes line, consisting of a bed, two bed covers, a couple of his soft plushy-toys, and a couple of his washer-safe harnesses that needed a good cleaning.


I look over as soon as I hear the familiar voice, and then am pulled into a tight hug.

I take a very deep breath, savoring the smell as I hug back.

"Surprise, baby girl!" He chuckles to me softly, kissing my forehead. "I'm home now."

I grip him tight and hum, pressing my lips to his shoulder and just standing there with my face burried in the crook of his neck for a few moments.

"I missed you." I say, pulling back to study him. "Damn, you look good."

His grin spreads wider and he combs back my hair with his hand. "I missed you too, Addy. You're so sweet."

I peck him on those beautiful pink lips of his. They're slightly chapped, but that's probably due to the travel.

"Oh, and I got you a little something. It's on the counter."

"Me?" I question, pointing at my chest.

"Yup!" He nods.

I tilt my head slightly and cup his cheek lightly for a moment.

"Wanna go see?" He inquires, pressing his own tatted hand to the back of mine and then pulling it over to kiss my fingers.

I nod and he laces our hands together before walking me inside. Tez's right on our heels.

There's a brown box sitting there. It's a decent sized box. Maybe 2 feet wide around and a foot deep. I look to Jack, who brings me over and sits me down at the island, pulling the box over. Kristen smiles from by the fridge and the two girls watch curiously from the couch in the living room.

"What is it?" I question, reguarding the box closer. It's been sealed shut with clear packing tape and I can't see anything inside.

"Open it and you'll find out." Jack replies with a big, goofy smile.

I reach up and scratch at the end of the tape until I can grasp it. Then I pull it off. I lift the flaps and pull out some of the tissue paper that was used to pad everything in.

I sit up on my knees on the stool, and peer in as I grab a hold of a plushy.

"It's Stitch!" I squeek, clutching the life-size blue teddy to my chest. The big floppy ears and tuft of hair on his head are soo cute and he's soo soft.

"I thought you'd like him." Jack draws up my attention.

"I love him." I grin with a squeeze. "Thank you."

"That's not the only thing, silly." He chuckles at me.

I cock my head and set Stitch beside the box. "Jack, you didn't have to get me anything."

"I know, baby."

I take the box off the counter and sit properly with it on my lap.

I fish out a little box, and a notebook which had been sat one on top of the other. The notebook is really cute; being that it's got "Aloha" written on the front with gold lettering and a beautiful scenery of the island on it. Then I open up the little box and sit back; blown away.

It's a copper ring with the word "Ohana" ingraved into it. It's from an expensive place; I can tell from the package.


"I had to guess your size, so I really hope it fits." He scratches the back of his neck lightly.

I run my finger over the lettering, then take it out. I try it on my ring finger, but it fits better on the middle.

He stands up and comes over, pecking me on the cheek softly. "You like it?"

"I love it." I answer, resting my head on his shoulder as I study the ring.

He lets out a relieved sigh, then wraps his arm around me. "There should be one more thing in the box to put on our wall."

My gaze flickers up from the ring and to Jack's face; aglow with excitement and adoration.

I set the ringbox to the side with Stitch and reach to the very bottom. My fingers wrap around something cold and curving and I pull it out.

It's a metal decorative wall-piece that also reads "Ohana."

"You've been part of our family for a long time, Addy. You said I was like Lilo on our call, but I watched the movie with Lavy and I feel like I've been Stitch and you've been Lilo for me too." He hugs me from behind as I listen to him. "I left to try and spare your feelings without realizing it was worse that way. I realized how much I was missing and when I saw you again there was no way in hell I was letting go again."

I hug his arms around me tightly, soo deeply touched by him. I just hug him tightly for a long time.

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