Chapter 28

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Things are getting better. At least in our private lives. As for the world, it's not so good. The pandemic is worsening and we're all limiting contact with other people. I gave up seeing my mum on Wednesdays for a while, and Jack hasn't seen Lavy for a while either. Sydnie's been going out with a guy and I don't know where he's been and I'm becoming obsessive with keeping Jack and I's bedroom clean, as well as the rest of the house that I frequent.

At first, Kristin was happy to have the extra help cleaning the house, but now I think she's realizing that it's an obsession. I spend all the time that Jack's out cleaning. Anytime someone comes back, I wipe the walls and wash the floors in the hallways and kitchen. Whenever I go out I take a shower as soon as I come in. I've even gone as far as washing down the exterior of the washer and dryer because what if the virus is in the clothes?

"Crap..." Jack looks up across the room to his mom from his spot on the couch. We're relaxing and scrolling through our phones.

"What's that?"

"Jonah's got Covid."

"Oh?" Kristin glances up at him. She was cutting Lucas's claws.

I look up at Jack, worry growing in my chest. I know Jonah wasn't feeling well for the past few days and he was gonna get tested, but I didn't think that's what it was. We were talking a couple days ago 'cause he was missing me. He's also got a new kitten named Wes, who's an adorable little devil.

"He's gonna be fine, babe. He said the doctors gave him something to try to break his fever and he's home now."

I nod to myself. He'll be okay.

"Hey Addy, I wanna take you out later."

I glance up at him and tilt my head.


"Where-ever. I just wanna get you out the house for a while. You've literally not left the house in weeks."

I shrug. "I'm fine."

"Baby, I'm still taking you out." He puts his phone on the coffee table then turns to me and squeezes me tight, making me giggle.

I twist and start to tickle him. He squirms and tries to catch my arms; laying back as I crawl on top of him.

"Addy! Addy, no, stop!" He pants between laughter. "Addy! I'm gonna get you back!"

I sit back on my heels and he tries to grab me. I jump off the couch when he does and bolt past Kristin into the kitchen. She snickers as Jack follows and the dogs get riled up. Cortez watches off to the side; waiting for a cue.

Jack nearly gets me and I take off down into our room. Jack's faster than me and he catches me as we get to the bottom of the stairs.

"Hey! Okie! I'm sorry!" I can't stop laughing though and Jack pulls me towards the bed.

"Mmhmm?" He hums, seeing through my apology. "Now it's my turn."

He kisses me while I'm still giggling, but it dies down quickly as I get lost to the feeling of Jack being pressed up against me and his lips dancing with mine.

Both of our phones buzz at the same time. Jack having stashed his in his pocket before running down.

We ignore the first, but then it happens again a second time and we pull back and check it.

Someone's leaked that Jack and I are dating. They're tagging me and him. Some asking if it's legit, others already asking who I even am.

I'm sent into a panic. I begin to shake, my heart pounding in my chest. People are asking questions. About me. They're gonna find out. They're gonna find out I killed someone. They're gonna freak. They're gonna hate me. They're gonna lash at Jack for being with me.

"Addy, Addy, no." Jack grabs me tightly tossing our phones onto the bed. "Shh, baby girl, it's okay."

"No. No its not. It's not okay." I gasp, gripping his arm like a frightened child. "They're gonna find the article and my charges. It's gonna start all over again."

He tries to hold me steady, but my legs give and he sits down on the edge of the bed and pulls me onto his lap.

"It's gonna be okay. Baby girl, no matter what happens, it's gonna be okay. I'm here. I'll always be here for you. The guys too." Jack coos softly. "It don't matter what anybody else thinks, okay?"

"But-" I loose my train of thought and I just focus on Jack. Jack is here. Jack is here and he's mine, just like I'm his.

The Best Part of Me -Jack Avery Fanfic.Where stories live. Discover now