Chapter 18

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We make quick work of packing up my stuff. Well, really it's taking out my stuff that's already been packed in boxes in my closet and bringing it to Jack's car. There's only about three boxes of clothes to take out of my dresser and closet and it takes about the same for Cortez's things.

My mom even helps bring some things down. Jen's here too, and she gives me the stink-eye every time she sees me. She's like this shadow that always lurks behind you at every moment of every day. She knows everything that goes on within these walls and she can make a piece of rice look incriminating.

And I am getting out of here. I'm getting away from here and I am soo happy for that.

I sit in the passenger seat and Cortez joins me on my lap. I've not felt this way in soo long and it's really crazy to me.

"So we moved my room to the basement so that it's a bigger space." He tells me as he pulls onto the road. "Honestly my old room was getting cramped and it's not been the same since I moved back in with my mom."

"So you have the whole basement?"

"We do, Addy." He grins. "I'm sure my sisters'll still wanna go hang out down there and that's fine. I don't mind. We already all talked about it and really no one was using it much anyway."

"That sounds amazing, Jack." I smile too, watching him, then looking out his window contently. "I'm so greatful you guys are all okay with me staying with you."

"I'm happy I get to take you home and keep you." He takes my hand and squeezes it softly, running his thumb over the back without taking his eyes off the road.

When we get to his place, Sydnie and a friend of hers are in the front yard and they offer to help take a couple boxes down. There isn't a whole lot, but enough to make two trips. It literally all fit in the back of Jack's car.

I thank them for their help and Sydnie opens her arms and asks for a hug in return as her "payment." I giggle at her and give her a quick hug before the two beautiful ladies head back upstairs and leave Jack and I to unpacking.

We go through what we wanna keep packed and what we wanna put away or put up around the room. The first thing Jack asks is if we can put up the photos I had over my bed. We pick the wall beside his bed and string them up.

Then we set up Cortez's little spot. He's sniffed the entire room and is now just sitting beside his things. Probably confused as to why it's all here and not just the travel stuff.

We take a pause when Kristin calls to us that she brought home pizza for supper. Then we finish unpacking and collapse on Jack's king-sized bed together.

"I think tomorrow we should go get you some more clothes." Jack lays on his tummy horizontally on the bed and plays with my hair as I lay on my back, staring at his ceiling with my legs dangling off the foot of it.


"Baby, half of what you have is old and worn out."

That's true. I've not gone shopping in forever.

"Alright then. Shopping it is." I reach up and cup the side of his face.

He crawls over closer and kisses me and I feel nothing but joy. We end up crawling up under the blankets and snuggling up into each other; calling it a night.

The Best Part of Me -Jack Avery Fanfic.Where stories live. Discover now