Chapter 22

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I'm terrified as I walk up to the busy beach; spotting Gabby at a picnic table. She's got a woman and three men with her. They get up and move to a table a short distance away when they spot me.

I set this up myself. I got Gabby's number and I asked to talk, me and her. She was about to hang up before I told her that she can have my parole officer speak to her too. I swear to her that I'll give her the whole truth of what happened. She can choose where we talk and who's there.

Jack's waiting in the car with his A/C on. Gabby asked he not be there. This is to be a "girl's talk" as she put it. I knew she was gonna bring a group for "protection."

I'm here a little early. My officer is supposed to be here in maybe twenty minutes.

I hesitate on waiting; looking back at the parking lot. Maybe I should wait until my parole officer gets here... maybe she wouldn't want to see me without her.

When I glance back, she waves at me. I walk over and cautiously take a seat across from her. I open my mouth to say something, but my mind blanks and I don't know what to say.

"Alright. How about I start with what I know." She pulls out a couple folded papers matter-of-fact, pouncing right to the point. "Last year you were found at your apartment with the body of your boyfriend. You were arrested at the scene for his murder. They counted 58 stab wounds on his body. You confessed and plead guilty, but your case was reviewed per your lawyer and family's request and the courts ended up letting you out, deciding it was an "act of self defense.""

I nod to each of her statements, watching my hands as they lay flat on the table and biting the inside corner of my lip. I listen to her list in silence.

"There's nothing after you were released."

I press my lips thin. There's an ache forming in my chest.

"I didn't want to be bothered by anyone." I whisper, now playing with my fingers. "I wanted to be left alone."

She just eyes me.

"Do you want me to start from the begining? Or would you like me to wait for my parole officer?" I ask softly, glancing up at her round, unblemished face. "I understand if you do."

"Well..." she thinks about it for a moment. "I guess we can start now. When did this start?"

I take a deep breath. "Do you want from when I met Jack and the boys, or after?"

"Which ever came first."

"Well... I met the guys when I was in school. Before they had quit public school."

I choose to begin there. The only way she'll really get it is if she knows the whole thing, begining to end. That way she won't be confused as to how Jack ties in to this.

"They were already working on the band. Jack and I started as being friends, then best friends..." I glance up to gage her reaction before continuing. "Then for a few months we were more. Until they left for their first big tour. When he left, he left me and everything we had."

She's watching me expectantly, waiting for more.

I decide to omit the stuff Jack told me. About why he did it. About how he didn't stop loving me.

"So, after a while I had met another guy. We met at a café I worked at... he was a decent guy. At least he made it out to look like that. He convinced me to move in with him and I learned quick what he was actually like."

I feel the lump growing in my throat. It's making it hard to swallow. I know it's only going to grow more and more, but if I want to fix this for Jack, I have to keep going.

The Best Part of Me -Jack Avery Fanfic.Where stories live. Discover now