Chapter 14

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"Addy, you're not mad at me are you?" Jack asks after some time of silence between us.

He had gotten Lavender up after her nap and fed her with Isla's volenteered help while I stayed downstairs. Jack asked Isla to stay up there with the baby while he came to talk to me. Ava and Kristin went out to do groceries while Sydnie's in her room right now.

I shake my head. "No. Why?"

I'm genuinly curious why he might think that.

He thinks long and hard. "I just... I donno... because I had a baby with another girl..."

I shake my head, empathy flooding through me. "I'm not upset at that at all. I could never be mad at you for that. I think you're overthinking things."

"I just want to make sure. I wouldn't ever want to be the reason you hurt. And if I was I wanna try to make it up to you."

I smile up and peck him on the cheek. "You go spend time with your kid. I gotta go make a couple calls."


"Mmhmm. I gotta call my mom and my officer." I answer. "And I also gotta talk to your mom too."

I call my officer first and let her know that we've been mauling over the idea of moving out. I have to let her know of anything reguarding my housing as she needs to keep tabs on me.

Then Kristin gets back and I ask to speak to her privatly. She takes me into her bedroom where we sit down and I find a way to confess myself to her.

"I didn't want to come here and not tell you. I want you to know what happened and what you're getting into before you make any sort of decisions." I wring my hands nervously and Cortez sits at my feet. "I think it's important you know."

"Jack mentioned that something had happened." She nods. "I'm glad you're coming to me with it."

I glance up, then back at the floor. I tell her what happened. I tell her how I had gone to prison for killing my then-boyfriend and how they had then let me out. I touch on the situation I had put myself in with Kyle, and then on my home situation now.

"So I completly understand if it would be better if I not stay here." I finish. "There'd be no hard-feelings and I wouldn't blame you at all if that's the decision you make. I mean, I'm sure that Jen's gonna book-it as soon as Oliver gets back in town anyway."

She shakes her head at me. "Addison, the fact that you came to tell me that shows that you still have a lot of respect. I can tell it's not something that's easy for you to talk about. I still need some time to think about it, but I told you before that you're always welcome to come over and visit."

She smiles and when we stand she opens her arms and offers me a hug. I hesitate, but then hug her back quickly before heading back out.

Then I head outside to make the call to my mom and we have a decent chat. She asks how everybody's doing here and if there's anything new. She doesn't mention anything about what I told her before I left and I'm sort of happy she didn't.

I finally steal myself enough to head upstairs to Jack's room to see him and the baby. He's laying on the bed with her doing a baby-voice and making her giggle and laugh. She's sitting in front of him with a great big grin. I stand in the doorway watching them for a while. Jack doesn't notice me.

"Oh, I can't wait for you to meet Addy." He says, playing with her little hands.

"She's so pretty. She's got the prettiest hazel eyes and in the sun you can see this beautiful green ring and gold flecks around them but in the dark they look like this dark-creamy color. Her hair's soo soft. Not as soft as yours, though."

He scruntches his face up and twists a lock of her medium-brown hair around his finger.

"Her smile's so contageous. She used to always be smiling and laughing. Uncle Jonah said she barely smiles anymore, but I can get her to smile again. It's true that it's not as often, but it makes it that much more special."

That smile is now pulling at my lips as I listen on.

"Daddy loves her soo much. Somebody hurt her and that never should've happened, but Daddy's trying to treat her right and give her everything she deserves. Daddy's gonna treat her the same way I want someone to treat you one day."

I make myself known now, stepping inside the room and crawling up on the bed beside Jack.

"Look Lavy! It's Addy!" Jack's face starts to turn red.

Her dark eyes land on me as Jack looks at me and she starts to laugh again. Probably at the way Jack spoke more than anything else.

I take reasurance from Jack's expression and reach toward's the little girl. She takes my fingers eagerly.

"It's nice to meet you, little Lavender." I run my thumb over her fingers.

They're soft. Soo soft. There's no wear to her skin at all, but she's got a pretty firm grip.

"So uh... how much of that did you hear..?" Jack inquires with a quirky little lop-sided smile.

"Well, I didn't know how much you paid attention to the details in my eyes."

His face blooms rose-red and he burries it in the bend of his arm.

"I'm not one to talk though, because I love how your eyes aren't exactly one shade of brown. They remind me more of a brownie-batter colour with a dark red mixed in with black flecks and lines."

He peaks up at me and then snickers softly.

"And I love the freckles that dust your face and the way you laugh."

I continue, glancing up as Lavender pulls my hand and tries to put it in her mouth. I pull back just enough to stop her, but I do it carefully so if her grip did faulter she won't hit herself or topple over. "Ew, please don't."

I notice Jack watch this amusedly.

"I think your daddy's real special," I say to her the same way that Jack had. "He listens and he's patient and he's thoughtful."

She watches me as I talk and it completly mesmorizes me how much she's paying attention to me. She gets on her hands and knees and crawls over and just juts her hand onto my face; grabing my nose.

"She wants you to kiss her hand." Jack chuckles at my expression.

"Oh." I kiss her palm and she starts to laugh again.

The Best Part of Me -Jack Avery Fanfic.Where stories live. Discover now