Chapter 15

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Gabriella comes and picks up Lavender a couple days later, but in that time I got to know her a little.

She's a little picky and she loves to be tickled and snuggled. She was a little shy with me, but then opened up real quick on the second day. She doesn't cry all that much. Only when she drops something she really really wants or if she's in need of a nap.

Cortez even likes Lavender and took to sitting by her play-pen when we're in the same room.

"Jack, I think I should go back tonight. I left Cortez's work harness there and I'm gonna need more food. I only packed him for like, a day."

I'm sitting on his bed with my puppy and his two snuggled up on me while he's messing around on his piano.

I love listening to him play. There isn't anything in the world that can make a room so serene as when I'm listening to Jack play his keyboard or guitars. And he's got these glowing coloured LEDs that he put on that shift between purple and blue.

"Well we can go pick up the stuff if you want." He offers.

I shrug. "I donno. Would kinda be a waste of gas..."

"It's not a waste of gas if it's something you need."

"You're not getting tired of me yet?" I inquire.

"No. Never." His words are quick. He nods for me to come closer. "Come here, baby girl."

I move the dogs and slip down beside him at his piano bench. 

"Do you remember the first time we started messing around together?"

I nod. Of course I do. He was my first... my first date, my first kiss, my first love...

"When I'm with you I still feel the way I felt that night. I still feel the happiness, the excitement, that warm fuzzy feeling in my chest." He continues playing with one hand, but pulls me into his side with the other. "It doesn't even matter what we're doing together, I still feel that."

"You promise?"

He stops playing now, his full attention on me. I can see it in his eyes. He didn't expect that.

"I pinky promise." He offers me his pinky.

I loop mine with his after a little pause. I trust him. I believe him. I just have a hard time to get past it.

"Alright. Do you wanna spend the night at your place or here again?"

I weigh it for a moment. "Maybe at mine to give Kristin time to think about it without me here."

"Should I pack a bag? I don't wanna leave you alone there if Jen's there."

I shrug. "My mom's home now. And so is Cece. So I won't be alone really."

He takes me home and my mom smiles and greets Jack happily. Cortez heads straight to the fridge, wanting his raw food. While Jack chatters with mum, I get Tezzy what he's waiting patiently for.

"So are you guys staying friends or...?"

I smile softly. My mum's always been so curious. She won't pry, but she will ask if she wants to know.

"Something more." I answer, sitting with them.

Jack grins at my words.

"Oh?" My mum's smiles too. "Well I'm happy for you two."

She means it. I'm sure she thought I'd never go for someone else. Heck, I never wanted to. I was fine with being forever alone. I didn't plan on ever trying again. But Jack just walked in and that was it for me.

"Thanks mum."

Mom goes off to do some house work and Jack turns to me.

"You sure you're okay here? I don't mind staying."

I take his hand in mine. "I'll be fine, babe. It's not something I've never done before. Plus it's good for you to have some time to yourself too."

"Yeah... but I want to spend my time with you."

I giggle. "That's not how it works."

He makes me promise that I'll be okay before leaving and if not to call him. He kisses me on the cheek as he goes.

I head down to my bedroom and take out my box of polaroids.

The Best Part of Me -Jack Avery Fanfic.Where stories live. Discover now