Chapter 37

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Jack gave me permission to drive his car, so that's something I've been doing often. I went back home after two weeks with my family and ever since I've been spending a lot of time driving around. I don't even mind getting caught in rush hour.

I just drive with Cortez in the passenger seat.

Sometimes I stop here or there, other times my anxiety's too high and I just head home. Today, I've decided to stop at a restaurant and order myself something at Coni'Seafood. I was craving some scallops and bass.

I bring Cortez in with me.

"Uh... excuse me but dogs are not allowed in here."

I turn to see the lady waiting in line behind me glaring at me, then and down at Tez.

"Please stop staring at my service dog." I reply simply. That's often all it takes, but not for this firey red-head.

"He's not a service dog. Service dogs have to be certain breeds."

"Oh, excuse me, I didn't know you were an expert on the topic." I roll my eyes as Cortez sits just in front of my leg, grounding me.

When I fall silent, waiting for my food, the lady speaks up again.

"You can't have dogs in a restaurant. It's unsanitary."

"Must I remind you, he's a service dog."

"No, he's not. They use Labs and retreivers for service dogs." She states matter-of-fact, again staring at Cortez. "He shouldn't be in here."

"Okay, lady, leave me and my dog alone. I won't say it again and please stop staring at him."

"What? I'm not allowed to look at the damned mutt?" She snaps.

Cortez starts to paw at my leg as my heart starts to pound and I get a flash of an argument with Kyle.

"Ma'am, you're not supposed to stare at service dogs is all I'm saying." I answer, stepping back a bit.

Cortez glues himself to my legs and tries to distract me, wimpering. I kneel down and pet him gently as an attempt to sooth myself.

"Excuse me! Excuse me, sir!"

I startle, getting thrown into a full-blown fit as the lady shouts at one of the employees.

Cortez licks at my hands as I become short of breath, and keeps himself between me and the thick-set lady.

"I don't know if you didn't see, but this girl has a dirty dog in your restaurant." She points at me and I try to hold back tears. "She says it's a service dog, but it's not. She's faking it."

"If she says it's a service dog, then it's a service dog." The poor kid behind the counter replies. "Service dogs are allowed."

"But it's not a service dog! They don't train whatever the heck that thing is to be service dogs!"

"Ma'am, you have to calm down or I'm going to have to ask you to leave."

"Ask me to leave? Are you kidding me?"

"No, ma'am."

Her jaw drops and she shrugs up her purse. "Fine! I don't want to eat at a place that lets filthy dogs inside anyway."

I wipe at my face to try and dry the evidance that I've just broken down on the restaurant floor.

"Excuse me, miss, are you okay?" The boy asks.

He's younger than me and he comes out from behind the counter to check on me.

"I'm just- I'm sorry, I just need a minute okay?"

"Yeah, of course. Can I get you a glass of water?"

I nod a little as he hands me a couple napkins to use instead of my shirt. He disapears behind the counter and I stand when I've caught my breath. The nice guy lets me sit at one of the taped-off tables and brings me a glass of water.

My order's finally brought up and I pick it up, tipping the kid 20$ before heading home.

When I get home, I call Jack. He asked me to call him when I got back because he missed me.

"Hey Addy!" He grins wide as he answers. "How was your day?"

"Not bad! I got some breaded scallops." I say, poping open my take-out container.

"Oooo." He chuckles, knowing full-well that it's one of my favorits. "I was about to take Lavy to the beach, do you wanna see her?"

"Of course. I'd love to see her."

What I don't expect is to see how much she's grown.

"Oh my goodness, she's soo big."

"I know right?" Jack sits on the bed next to his daughter, who's playing with one of his baseball caps. "Hey Lavy, can you say hi to Addy?"

She looks down at the phone as Jack holds it too her with a little; "Hi."

My heart melts and I get a good look at her. She's grown exponentially since I last seen her. Her hair's longer and her hands are getting a little less grubby and way more tactile and she's got that same sparkle in her eyes as Jack.

"Hey Lavy, can you say Addy?" Jack asks in a light voice.

Lavy looks up at her dad on my screen.

"Ah-" Jack sounds, and Lavender immediately clues in, imitating him, "Dee."


"Addeee." Lavender repeats and I feel soo happy inside that any sort of foul mood I may have had left from my experiance at Coni's is snuffed.

"What's my name?" Jack asks Lavy now.

"Dada." She answers with a goofy smile, claping her hands a little.

"And what's the nice lady's name?" He points to me.


"Addy, that's right!" Jack nuzzles her and hugs her tightly. "You're such a smart girl."

"She really is." I agree, wiping away some new tears that have built up. "She's growing up fast."

"Oh, I know." Jack agrees. "I can't believe it."

"Hey, give her another hug for me okay?" I ask, honestly wishing I could do it myself. "I miss being able to just sit on the couch and cuddle her."

Jack gives Lavy another big hug. "I know, baby. We'll figure something out. Maybe next time you'll come with us."

I nod. "Okay. I'll let you guys get to the beach now. Love you."

"I love you too! Say bye-bye to Addy?"

Lavy waves with her little hand. "Bye bye."

Jack blows a kiss to me and I do one back before we hang up.

The Best Part of Me -Jack Avery Fanfic.Where stories live. Discover now