Chapter 24

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Things have been going well with Jack being able to see Lavender. Gabby still rather me not be around her daughter, which is totally understandable. So when Jack does have Lavy overnight or for the weekend, I go to Jonah's or to my mum's place.

"Baby, don't you think this is a bit rediculous?" Jack sighs, putting his phone aside as I join him in his bedroom after coming home. "You're obviously not gonna hurt anyone, and especially not Lavy. I mean, you love her too."

"I do, babe. I love Lavy a ton." I sit down with him; folding my legs in front of me as I face him. "I know this is bothering you, Jack. But I don't want to be on Gabby's bad side either. I don't want to cause any more problems between us and her because that's going to affect Lavender."

"I know..." he growls and flops back on the bed. "I just hate not being able to have you and Lavy at the same time. And now Gaby's mentioned moving to Hawaii."

I reguard him from head to toe, then climb up onto his chest slowly. He wraps his arms around my back and kisses me softly.

"Jack, it'll take time." I whisper to him. "That doesn't mean it'll never happen."

He bites his lip, remaining quiet for a few moments. "Is it bad that I wish Lavy was yours?"

I frown and pull myself up more, leaning my arms across his chest and resting my chin on my hands. "Lavy wouldn't be the same little girl if we had her instead of you and Gabby. Things like that happen for a reason."


I know just by the way he says that that he wants to get on a serious topic, but isn't sure it's a good idea.


"Did... do you think that your last relationship happened to you for a reason?"

I tilt my head, pondering it. "I suppose it did... I'm not sure what that reason is, but I know I notice a lot of things that I used to take for granted. I have way more apriciation for those things. Just little things. Being told I'm loved, having help carring in things, not having to do everything myself, not having to worry that I'm going to be hurt if I don't."

He listens as I list off things, playing with my hair and admiring me.

"Maybe I had to go through that to make me realize all those things. Maybe I was too self-centered and ignorant. Or maybe I just needed to have everything striped from me so I could build myself up a better person." I close my eyes, enjoying Jack's touch. "I was a wreck after everything happened. Maybe it was just something that needed to happen so that we could find each other again."

The corner of his lips pulls up adorably. "Whatever it is, I'm soo glad I have you again. I really did fuck up when I left you."

I hug him; squeezing around his shoulders hard. "Me too, I'm glad."

He just holds me tightly to him for a while and snuggle in silence. We fall asleep like that after a long while and in the morning I wake up in such a great mood. Jack don't usually wanna get out of bed until around nine or ten in the morning the earliest (unless he's got something he has to do) so I kiss him on the cheek as I get out of bed. He smiles groggily and pulls the blankets up around him as I nod for Cortez to follow me upstairs.

There I help Kristin with some chores and then sit and chat with Ava. I take Cortez out for a walk and Ava brings Lucas to walk with us. By the time we get back, Jack's out of bed and searching the fridge for something to eat.

"Hey, can I ask you a question?"

I look up to see Sydnie and nod for her to sit at the bar-stool beside me at the island.

"Okay, so you went to prison right?"

I nod, gazing at her curiously. She mirrors that.

"So... what is it actually like there?" She inquires. "I mean... is it like on T.V?"

"I mean, I doubt it, but I haven't watched many jail-bird dramas." I answer. "T.V. always tends to glam things up."

"True. So what was it like?"

I think back to it. "Like on an average day or a wild one?"

Jack's making toast and eggs and he's listening in too as Sydnie and I talk.

"An average one. Then I wanna hear the crazy stuff." She decides.

"Well, count time was at 6 a.m. That's when the guards would come and check the cells to make sure everyone was where they're supposed to be." I start. "We'd get taken to the cafeteria for breakfast an hour after that if we wanted, then we had to make our beds and clean our cells in case they did a room inspection."

It wasn't hard to keep clean. Especially since I was extremly lucky and had a cell to myself for my time. I'd deep-clean the whole room within maybe 20 minutes. That way the guards had no reason to come in and search for anything really.

"They have the gym open at certain times for certain units. I'd go maybe three times a week, but I spent more time alone with a book in my cell. There was also a rec-room where the girls can go watch T.V. and hang out and play cards and stuff." I smile to myself a bit.

"They always have snacks and stuff in there and you could buy things off the comissary. I think that's the thing most of the girls looked forward to was just the food and combining certain things to make something new. A lot of girls just pack on the pounds cause of it. You can take classes and there's organized activities you can take part in too. And we could go into the yard for a couple hours a day."

The days tend to mold together in prison you do the same things almost every day. Reading for me was an escape. I looked forward to the next day in order to continue my books. See where they lead. I honestly didn't know what I was gonna do with the next 20 plus years of my life, but I knew I wouldn't run out of books.

"At least you had things you could do." Sydnie says softly. "You weren't stuck doing nothing everyday."

"I mean, you were if you got thrown in the hole. Solitary's no joke." I shake my head at her. "I seen girls go nuts down there."

Now I get onto some of my crazier stories.

I remember there was a couple times a "newbie" had came in from a maximum security prison. I had been in a max prison for only a month and I hated it. They moved me to a medium security prison after that only because they needed my spot.

This girl was wicked. She thought she could run the place. She was carrying piled major-theft and assault sentances. She wanted to control everything anywhere she was. The shot-callers got fed up of her real quick; especially when we kept getting lock-downs over stupid fights she'd start over any little thing. They ended up beating her and taking everything she had. After that they transferred her out of there.

It seemed that it was often when they had transfers that bad things happened. There was also the time that two of the gangs broke out into war within the prison. That was a hell of a ride. Everyone else just had to sit back and watch when the violence broke out.

I don't speak of anything that happened that was directed to me, though. That's not something I'm ready to talk about. I don't think it will be for a long time.


So, I'm not sure if I wanna wrap this up here, or continue this. To me, the story feels like it could come to an end, but also like I could continue with it for a while longer. I have some ideas that I'll draft, but input would be definatly be apriciated! 😘

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