Chapter 30

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I've spoken to my officer, who recomends I go to my therapist. I don't wanna see her. I haven't been to see my therapist for a good few months. I was doing okay and didn't feel like I needed to.

But I do see why. I do understand why I should go see her right now. I could end up in a very dark spiral if I let myself go unchecked. So I book an apointment, and she has me in the next evening.

She talks me through ways that she thinks I could use to cope with it all. Shut off my phone and read book, or take Tezzy for a walk, or do any sort of activity that excludes the internet in general.

She understands that this isn't an easy thing to deal with. That internet drama is one of the worst causes for mental-illness. The internet is a place that everyone can judge you and not even know a single thing about you.

She's suggested me to see a psychiatrist... she wants me to get anxiety medications. I don't wanna do that. I don't wanna end up like Cece. I know not all medications do that, but I don't wanna play prescription-roullette and just try them all until we hit one that "fits."

Sydnie picks me up after my apointment today since Jack's out with the boys working on a music video. It always makes me smile to hear all the things they do in a day when they're together.

"So? How was it?" She inquires.

I shrug. "It was okay." I fiddle with Cortez's harness as he lays his head on the window. "She suggested I try some meds. I don't want to."

"Addy, you'll get through this. People will realize you're not that bad." She makes a turn onto the highway. "How about we hang out for a while? I've got nothin' to do today."

I look up at her and she smiles back at me.

"Okay." I give in somewhat bashfully.

We end up going bowling for a couple hours, and then went for a walk. Syd asks to take a couple pictures, which I have no problem with. Sydnie always liked to take pictures. It was one of our shared interests.

When Jack gets home, he tells me all sorts of things that they did. They beat up a car and he hung from stunt-lines. He thought they forgot about him up there for a few, and asked when they were gonna let him out.

"Sounds like it was fun." I smile, pulling him over and kissing him. "I spent the day with Sydnie after my apointment."

"Oh? Did she treat you right, or am I gonna have to go beat her up?" He questions, making me laugh.

I tell him what we did, and then he grabs some leftovers from the fridge and warms them up while I sit down in the livingroom with Ava to watch some T.V.

We watch a cartoon before Jack and I head downstairs and I listen as he sits down with his guitar and starts to play casually.

He ends up playing a love-song that I don't even remember the name of, and I start kissing on his neck softly. It makes his breath shake and I hear it when he's trying to sing.

"I-mmmm..." He break into a moan as I make a suction in the crook of his neck. "Fuck, Baby, please don't make marks."

I smirk against his skin, pressing another soft kiss. "I wasn't gonna. I just wanted to see how much it'd would take for me to distract you."

He puts the guitar aside and lays back; pulling me on top of him and kissing me. "You're just a fucking tease."

"But you love it."

"Yes, I love it." He replies, squeezing me tightly. "Especially when it makes you smile like that."

I blush and hide; shoving my hands into his shirt and pulling it up, pressing my face into the fabric.

I get off Jack when there's a knock on the door. He answers it and it turns out to be Jonah.

"Hey Addy, how are you?"

I grin up at him and Jack comes over and they do their handshake.

"Hey man, I didn't know you were coming over." Jack says as we let Jonah in the room.

"Ah, was around and figured I'd come check in. Is Jack treating you right or am I gonna have to beat him?" Jonah asks, making me giggle. That's something all the boys pretty-well say.

"I'm the one that's been picking on him." I answer mischieviously.

"Oh, have you now?" Jonah beams. "Gosh it's nice to see you happy again, sweet-heart."

I give him a hug and he accepts it eagerly. It's the first hug I've given him  in a very long time. He holds onto me for as long as I want.

Jonah and Jack get to talking about what's happening with these signed-singles they're supposed to do and a live-verison of their newest released single, Fallin'.

"Hey, maybe Addy can come along this time." Jack suggests.

"We can ask, but I donno with all this covid stuff. It's really not fun to get tested, which we gotta do friday before we go in."

I lean into Jack's side and he automatically wraps his arm around my waist. I smile and grab his hand with butterflies in my stomach.

We catch up, and then Jack shows Jonah some ideas he has recorded on his computer. They've already got their next album recorded, but I suppose it's never too early to start more.

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