Chapter 33

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"How do I get a hold of Jen and get her to stop?" I ask my officer as we sit in a dog park.

Jack brought Lucas and Sandy with us this time to let all the dogs play together like dogs. He drove me here and he sits on a bench on the other side of the park in wait.

"What do you mean? Has she done something else?" Officer Welson inquires.

I shake my head. "No... not yet. But she always does."

"Its a frustrating predicament. You could try getting a restraining order on her, but I think that might just aggitate her even more."

"Could I nail her for defamation if character?" I ask.

"That's a hard one... you need proof first of all and you can't claim defamation of character if what she's saying in the truth..."

"I just want to move on." I rest back against the bench. "I've found a place where I'm happy and I've started to rebuild myself and she knows that."

"The best thing to do for now is to just ignore her. She'll eventually get bored of it and leave you alone." My P.O. suggests.

"I've tried ignoring her all my life. It just doesn't work." I sigh. "I don't think she's actually happy. I don't think she'll ever be happy. So she won't let anyone else be happy either. She just comes at me because she has dirt on me and I'm an easy target."

"I don't know what else I can say besides just keep being happy with Jack." She looks out at the dogs. "I think that's the ultimate "fuck you" to people like that. Show them that it doesn'tchange anything."

I nod to myself. "I'll keep trying."

She nods and adjusts her black mask over her nose. "I'll let you get back to him now. I have another meeting with someone that I gotta get to."

We both get up and I head over to Jack, who was chewing his nails. He stops when I get to him and pulls me into his side. "How'd it go?"

"Good, I think." I answer, clinging to his side.

"That's good." He kisses my forehead. "So, what else should we do today?"

I think for a moment, then shrug. "Up to you."

"Baby, today's all about you remember?" He squeezes me, making me giggle.

"Jack, you're only going for a little while!" I scrunch my nose and mess up his hair. He grabs my wrists, but doesn't get upset with me. He knows I'll try to fix it afterwards if it does look too messy.

"I know, but it's a whole month without you!" He whines.

"No, it's gonna be a few weeks with Lavender." I answer. "Who I'm sure misses her daddy very much."

"Addy, you're my perfect girl."

I blush, but don't deny it. He's my perfect boy too.

We give the dogs some extra time as a lady brings in a mixed breed. She's a huge dog that comes barreling in. I call Cortez because I don't want him getting caught between the big dogs rough-housing. Sandi and Lucas enjoy it lots, though.

A lot of stuff is happening now. Jack's going to Hawaii to visit Lavy, Sydnie got an apartment with her boyfriend and is in the process of moving out. Cece's gonna be released from the hospital. I'm gonna be be keeping busy for the majority of that time.

The dogs are gone to lay down nearly the moment we let them loose in the house. Cortez lays down on his bed beside the couch; which took Lucas and Sandi a little while to understand that that bed is off limits. They leave it alone mostly now, but I catch them every once in a while using it as a pillow.

I get Tezzy some of his food from the fridge and heat it up in microwave before bringing him downstairs to eat. I set his bowl down and find Jack sitting in his desk chair looking lost and slightly disturbed with a hand pressed to his chest.

"Jack, what's wrong?"

"I don't feel good. I'll be fine, I just-" he takes a deep breath and lets it out in frustration. "You're gonna be fine, right?"

I tilt my head, then nod and pull over the second chair he got that's usually pushed into the corner unless he's working on something and has someone else here with him.

"I'll be perfectly fine, baby." I pull the hand away from his mouth as he goes to chew his nails again. "Are you?"

"I just-I'm so damned terrified something happens when I'm gone and you need me." He blurts. "I don't want you to have to be alone. I don't want you to have to face something like what happened with Jen or with Cece without me being here for you. I really, really need to see Lavy, but Addy I can't stop worrying."

I play with his fingers, then stand up and pull him into a hug. He melts into me, sniffling as he nuzzles into my neck.

"I promise I will call you if anything happens and I'll probably end up at Jonah's if it did. Or at Daniel's." I murmur softly. "I'm not alone anymore. I have you and the boys. I'd never trade you for anything in the entire galaxy."

"I'd never trade you for the whole universe either." He pulls back and cracks a crooked smile. "Because you are one of the biggest parts of my universe."

"Right next to Lavy." I giggle. "That little girl is your sun. I'm just the moon."

"You make one hell of a sexy moon." He wipes at his eyes and chuckles when I burst into a fit of laughter.

"You're one hell of a couragous world." I lean forward, pressing our lips together. "Try not to worry about me, alright? You can call me and text me and video chat me any time you want."

"I wish I could just take you with me."

I sigh softly and hug him again. "I know. I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry, sweetheart. I'm just a spoiled little shit."

"You're not a spoiled shit. I don't like that we'll be apart either but it's just gonna be easier this way between you and Gabby. She still doesn't want me around Lavy yet."

"I know. I wish it was different."

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