{chapter eighteen}

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Songs to vibe to for this chapter:

Jungle- Drake

Medicine- the 1975

Put It On- Bombs and Bottles

(Ashton's POV)

"Why don't you show me?" the simple sentence rolled off of her tongue like the most sinister thing to have ever been said. It ignited all of my senses, I felt my whole body get as hot as fire. She was challenging me and I have never been so turned on before.

"Let me show you then, baby." and with that I flipped us over, I was on top now. My lips attached to her neck, sucking softly and nipping on the soft skin.

"A-Ash" Zaria let out in a soft moan, hitting me right in the groin.

Her soft moans encouraged me to keep going. I trailed down from her neck, to her collarbones and stomach. Kissing, sucking, and ever so slightly biting on the soft skin. She tasted so sweet, I was savoring her body at this point. I came back up and looked at Zaria's face, her cheeks were a deep red and her eyes were full of lust, she looked absolutely breath taking.

She snapped me out of my gaze when she quickly managed to flip us over, her ass landing straight on my lap. She looked down at me with a cute little smirk on her face.

"Looks like the tables have turn, Ash." she said seductively. Her lips came crashing on mine, I quickly responded by kissing back. Her next couple of moves shocked even me, I didn't think she had it in her.

Zaria's soft tongue slowly made its way into my mouth, boy I must have gone to heaven. I glided my tongue against hers, both of us letting out soft groans inside each other's mouths.

In the middle of us kissing, I felt Zaria start rocking her hips against mine. I felt like I was about to blow right then and there. Her ass grinder perfectly against my crotch, making me moan out loud.

"Fuck, Zari" I growled. She gasped as I grabbed onto her hips, helping her grind faster against me. She was so fucking sexy.

Her lips attached to my neck, sucking and licking making sure to leave a mark.

"Just a little payback" she giggled and winked at me. I think I am in love.

After that she got up and sat down next to me.

"So, um, that was interesting." she softly spoke. Interesting? More like mind blowing and head spinning.

"Yeah, so maybe I should get going now" I spoke up.

"Good idea" we both got up from the couch and walked to the door. "Thanks for a fun night" Zaria said with a blushed face and soft smile.

"Of course, babe" I chuckled slightly. "Have a nice night," I started to walk out the door but quickly before leaving I quickly turned around and pecked Zaria's soft lips. "Keep those lips soft for me, babe" I whispered into her ear and with that, left.

(Zaria's POV)

Ashton. The boy who makes me forget all of my problems and relax. The boy who calls me babe because he knows how much it gets under my skin but in the best way. The boy who made a side of me come out that I have never experienced or even knew it existed. I have never been one to ask a boy to get frisky with me but with Ashton, I just feel a strong attraction everytime I'm with him. Like the universe wants me to completely rip his clothes off and have him take me on the bed. Like he should be the only boy devouring my body and feeling absolute pleasure. 

Thoughts like these are the scariest of thoughts. These are the types of thoughts that keep you up late at night and soon start hitting you in the middle of the day, at that point you can just get it through your head that you're in too deep. 

Here I am, 11:26am and I am having exactly those thoughts. Fuck, I'm screwed.

((A:N// Short chapter, I know. happy 2015 guys! im a bit late but this chapter has taken me forever to write, I still dont know if I like it lol anyways, more chapters coming soon! I love you guys

Twitter: @acidashtonx))

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