{chapter sixteen}

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(Ashton's POV)

After I got off the phone with Zaria I started thinking. Part of me wanted to know what it was about Zaria that made me want to spend every breathing moment with her. I was known for fucking chick after chick but ever since I met Zaria, I haven't even looked at another girl. My mind was constantly filling up new ideas on how to make Zaria happy or what our next hangout would consist of, it was all Zaria all the time. I was starting to lose my mind but in the best way.

Zaria seemed to have her life together, she has a job and attends school at the same time. That's something I just couldn't do, it caused me too much stress. I had decided a while back to drop my college classes while I figure out what I want to do with my life. I ended up getting a job at a clothing store in the meantime. I had to admit that working at a clothing store did really kick up my sense of fashion so I longer look like a hobo. Hopefully even Zaria could appreciate that.

(Zaria's POV)

I walked into the big building and smiled at the secretary.

"Good morning Zaria, welcome to Lloyd Enterprices officially this time!" She said happily. "My name is Rachel but I mostly go by Raye. Andrea, Mr. Lloyd's personal assistant, will be showing you how things run around here."

I sighed in relief once Raye mentioned that Andrea would be showing me around, she was the one that got me the job in the first place.

"She's on the 10th floor, room 24" Raye said nicely.

"Great, thank you so much Raye" I smiled one last time at her and walked off to the elevators.

Once I reached the 10th floor and got off the elevator, I turned down the hall and found room 24. I knocked on the door and Andrea waved her hand, allowing me in.

"Hey girl, I'm glad you got the job! We really needed a hand around here." she said happily.

"I'm glad to help, not to mention I get paid for it." I let out a slight chuckle. "So what exactly do I do?" I asked curiously.

"Well since its your first day, I'll just have you do small jobs. Once you get the hang of things I will give you harder tasks. For now just run some copies for me." she handed me a piece of paper. "Copy machine is on the main floor, room 6." she smiled at me sweetly.

"Right. Where can I set up my stuff?" I had brought with me a couple of stuff just to be prepared.

"Oh right! Follow me over here" Andrea got up from her chair and led me to the room next to her. It was a decent size with a decent sized desk in the smack middle.

"No way, I get my own office?!" I was ecstatic to say the least.

"Of course silly. Now go run those copies, 400 copies. Bring them back to me once you're done, I'll be in my office." she said and then walked out.

I settled my down and went downstairs to get the copies made. Turns out 400 copies were harder to carry then I thought. I managed to get on the elevator in one piece though. The elevator stopped on the 6th floor and in walked a man. He was fairly young. He had a nicely trimmed beard, icy blue eyes, and dark brown hair. I almost lost my balance due to the amount of papers I was carrying and ended up stumbling over a bit.

"Woah there. Do you need help?" He offered me.

"Y-Yes please" curse my stupid stutter. His large hands took a little bit more than half of the copies and stood next to me quietly. Once the elevator stopped on the 10th floor I finally spoke up.

"Um, this is my stop. I'll take those now." I went to reacher for the copies but he refused.

"Nonsense, where are these babies heading off to?" He nicely said.

"R-Room 24." I weakly smiled at him. That room rang a bell since he walked off straight to Andrea's room. He walked in without knocking without a care in the world.

"Andrea, I believe these copies are yours" he said as he set them down on her desk.

"Oh, thank you Joaquin!" She sweetly said. I placed the rest of the copies on her desk as well.

"Zaria, this is Joaquin. Joaquin, this is my bestfriend Zaria." she introduced us.

"Zaria? Beautiful name for a beautiful girl." he grabbed my hand and gently kissed it. I felt a bit awkward and taken by his friendly manners.

"Joaquin is from Barcelona, Spain." Andrea finally spoke up. "Don't let that spanish charm fool you, he's a sneaky one" she said and pointed straight at him.

"Nonsense, I'm just nice unlike some of us." he fought back. "I must get going, lovely to meet you Zaria, I'll see you around. Ciao" he smiled at me once more before exiting Andrea's office.

"Don't fall for it Zari, he's a flirt." Andrea advised, I just simply nodded in agreement. In all honesty I hadn't fallen for it, I was too hooked on Ashton.

Ashton. I hadn't called him yet to let him know how my day was going.

"Right well, thanks for the copies. As an assistant you must also answer calls. Always answer with "Lloyd's Enterprises, Zaria speaking. How many I help you?", that's how Mr. Lloyd likes his customers to be greeted, got it?" She asked.

"Got it. I'll get right on it." I replied. Before I could walk out I asked Andrea one more question. "Hey Andrea, what time is my break?"

"12:30pm" she simply replied.

"Great, thanks" I said with a smile and walked out of her office and into mine. I looked at my watch, 2 hours until I can call Ashton. I missed his voice, I wanted to let him know about how great my day is going. I wanted to know how his day was going, I missed him.

((It's been 5 months since I last updated, I'm so sorry! I had such a busy summer and a busy back to school but hopefully I'm going to be able to update more often now that things have calmed down! Expect an update soon cause this chapter sucked majorly lol

Tweet me loves: @xacidashton))

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