{chapter eleven}

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(Zaria's POV)

I hopped inside Ashton's car, the scent of his cologne instantly hitting me. He looked up at me, smiling widely.

"Hello to you too" I said giggling. His goofy smile started to make me suspicious.

"Hi" he paused slightly, "I hope you're ready for a fun day" he said while starting to drive to our location.

"What are we doing today?" I questioned.

"Can't say babe, you'll just have to wait and see" he teased.

"Please tell me" I have never been a fan of surprises.

"Nope" he smiled at me, dimples on full display. I sighed and leaned back on my seat.

Ashton turned up the radio and I started silently humming the words to the song. After a few minutes of me and Ashton singing a couple of songs we arrived at our destination, the fluorescent sign read "NYC Rink".

"Ice skating?" I looked over to Ashton to see him nodding.

"I hope you know how to skate" Ashton said chuckling. Truth is I didn't know how to skate, it was something I had never mastered. I would always end up falling on my butt and just giving up.

"I can't skate Ashton" my tone was a but more serious then intended.

"Shit, I didn't know you couldn't skate. Do you want to go somewhere else?" He looked at me in the eyes, as if scared that he had already ruined the date.

"No, no. It's fine, really" I didn't want to ruin his enthusiastic attitude that he had since I got into the car. After thinking for a moment, he finally spoke.

"You can just hold onto me, yeah?" I nodded at him, smiling to assure him everything was fine. We got out of the car and went inside the rink.

"Hi, how may I help you?" the employee said asked.

"I need a pair of size 10 skates and a pair of size-"

"Size 6 1/2 please" I said, cutting off Ashton.

"6 1/2? Your feet are so tiny" he started giggling, making me giggle.

"My feet are not small! Yours are just oddly huge" I argued. The employee handed us our skates. After Ashton refused to let me pay for my skates, he payed the man and we went to change our shoes.

"You know, my feet isn't the only thing that is huge" he winked at me and I felt my cheeks get red.

"Ashton!" he just had no self control. He started laughing while we finished up changing our shoes. I gulped as we stepped on the ice, it was ten times more slippery than I remember. Ashton went on the ice and started skating like it was just as easy as walking. He skated around the rink once while I just held onto the glass at the edge of the rink. He stopped before me and held out his hand.

"C'mon babe" my heart fluttered as I accepted his hand. When I connected my hand to his, I felt shockwaves go throughout my body. I took two steps and nearly fell, but Ashton catched me quickly.

"Thank you" I said nervously. I ended up clinging onto his arm so I wouldn't fall. I felt him tense up at my contact but then he relaxed. He started to skate while I held on.

"Don't be so scared Zaria, the worst that can happen is you falling" Ashton said like it was the simplest thing one could do. I took in a deep breath of the cold rink air and took a couple of steps. I started sliding against the ice, surprised that I wasn't falling.

"Ashton, I'm skating! I'm skati-" I lost my focus when Ashton looked straight into my eyes and fell. Ashton bursted out laughing as I sat there embarrassed. Ashton rushed over and helped me get up after he stopped laughing.

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