{chapter three}

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Songs to vibe to for this chapter:

Latch- Disclosure ft. Sam Smith

Tonight I'm Lovin' You- Enrique Iglesias

6 AM- J Balvin ft. Farruko (spanish music, woo)

(Zaria's POV)

Oh my god, what was I thinking coming to this party? I don't like partying and I especially don't partying with strangers. I just danced with a complete stranger, not only that but I also liked it. He made me feel sensation I had never felt before. No, I can't like him, I don't even live here. I rushed back towards to kitchen in hopes to find Paris but I had no luck. I went out back and searched for Paris there, no luck. I went back inside and scanned the dance floor for Paris but instead I found a pair of eyes already looking at me, it was the stranger I just danced with. I immediately broke the gaze and went upstairs to look for Paris. I went to the bathroom and found Paris leaned over the toliet throwing up her guts.

"Paris! Are you okay?" I said while holding her hair back. I loved Paris but she really needs to learn how not over drink. She finished spilling her guts and got up.

"Zar-zaria, I'm fi-ine!" she said with a lazy smile on her face.

"Maybe we should go back to my hotel room, I could take care of you there. Plus, I leave tomorrow afternoon anyways" I said while handing her mint, she gladly accepted it.

"But it's not even midnight yet!" Paris whined. She was so difficult when she was intoxicated.

"It doesn't have to be midnight for us to leave, now c'mon before you get sick again." I said slightly annoyed. I grabbed her arm and pulled her out of the bathroom with me. Just as we got down the stairs I felt a strong hand grab my wrist turning me around. I turned around only to see the stranger that I danced with moments ago.

"I believe we aren't done yet baby. It's not even midnight yet" he said while smirking at me. I pulled my wrist out of his grip.

"My friend," I said while pointing to Paris who was standing behind me almost falling over, "..is drunk beyond what she can handle and I need to take her home so I can take care of her. I don't care that it's not midnight yet" I said feeling slighty more annoyed.

"Or you can stay here and share a New Years kiss with me." he said as he got closer to me. I felt my breath hitch my throat once again.

"N-no. There is no way that is happening," I said stuttering and pushing his body away, "I don't even know you or your name, heck I don't even know-"

"It's Ashton. My name is Ashton" he said interrupting me. Ashton seemed to fit him so well.

"Well, that doesn't change the fact that I don't want to get laid, especially not with you." I said to him. Who does he think he is assuming that I would want to get laid with him? He is not my type nor did I want to get laid. I just wanted go get back to my hotel room and take care of Paris.

(Ashton's POV)

I was shocked at this girl's response. Sluts were usually throwing themselves at me, but this girl was no slut. This girl was different and I couldn't help but to be intrigued by it.

"What, why? You look pretty to have sex with." I said whispering into her ear.

"N-no th-thanks" she said stuttering again, her stutter was so cute "I have to go, c'mon Paris" she said while grabbing her intoxicated friend and walking away. I quickly stepped infront of her stopping her.

"Can I at least get your name?" I said with high hopes. This girl was so beautiful and so fucking sexy, no way I was letting her leave with telling me her name.

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