{chapter nine}

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(Ashton's POV)

Zaria and I's makeout session had my head spinning and had my knees weak. Her lips were so soft and sweet, they had a faint taste of cherry chapstick. They molded onto mine perfectly, almost like they were made for me. Her skin felt so soft under my fingertips. God, and the way she softly moaned my name made me go hard instantly. Fuck, I was hooked. I craved her lips on mine day and night. I know we are suppose to be just friends but she makes me lose control without even trying. I shook my thoughts out of head in efforts to clear my mind.

After I left Zaria's apartment I went to the gym. As cheesy as it sounds, she was my motivation to go. Her body, from what I've seen, is really toned and fit. I just wanted to make sure I fit her standards.

After I got in a good workout, which included beating the amount of push ups I could do, I went home. The shower I took relaxed my muscles after going fucking hard at the gym. I lived in an apartment with my college roomate, Calum Hood. He was a chill guy overall. Tall, dark haired, kind of looked like a mushroom when he wore beanies. He has always been like my wingman, but he did fuck a lot of girls as well, typical frat boy if you will. He was barely around though, he basically lived a frat houses and would almost always sleep over. It's Sunday so Calum is most likely at a frat party. I didn't mind being alone though, it was peaceful. I decided on just staying in and watching movies for the rest of the night.

(Zaria's POV)

The sunlight shined bright threw my shades, filling my room with light. I groaned at the sound of my alarm going off. I wish there was a way of setting an alarm that wouldn't give me a heart attack just to wake me up. Surprisingly, I didn't wake up to one of Ashton's texts or phone calls. It wasn't his responsibility to text me every morning but I did appreciate it. I couldn't stop myself from thinking about Ashton, which even I knew was bad. We were suppose to be just friends yet here I was wishing he could makeout with me again. I missed his soft, red lips on mine.

I sighed and decided to finally get up. I had classes today to attend. I was studying to be a business major, I've always liked the idea of having an office job. I made my way to my shower and took a quick shower. My closet was a mess and being that it was Monday, I decided on just some leggings and an oversized hoodie. I left my hair down so it could dry. My makeup just consisted of concealer to cover up proof of my lack of sleep, a quick coat of mascara, and some cherry chapstick. Once I was done I went into the kitchen and poured myself some cereal. Special K: chocolate delight, it be exact. I swear I could live off of just cereal. Once I was done I cleaned up and went into my room to get my school bag. I slipped on my combat boots and headed to my car. I started driving to school as soon as I got the chance, the bus was just not my cup of tea.

I only had three classes today which was a blessing. The day dragged on extra long today since it was Monday. All of my lectures today were long and boring as usual. But as soon as they were done I headed to my car, stopping at Dunkin Donuts on the way home. I treated myself to a donut because why not right? Once I got to my apartment I found a lanky boy pounding on my door and yelling out my name. What the heck?

(Ashton's POV)

I woke up the next morning in the mood to hangout with Zaria. I mean, "friends" can hangout right? Right. I texted her but after a few minutes she didn't answer. After sending her multiple texts, I decided to call her. Maybe she was still sleeping, I quickly dialed Zaria's number.

"I'm sorry, the person you're trying to call is not availa-"

I hung up and tried again several times. This annoying ass voice operator just kept answering instead of Zaria. After letting out a couple of frustrated profanities, I started to get worried. Why wasn't Zaria answering? The worst scenarios filled my head, maybe she was hurt or in the hospital, or even worse ...with another guy.

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