{chapter thirteen}

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(Ashton's POV)

I started to softly suck on Zaria's neck, leaving red marks all over her soft skin that I craved day and night. She let out a low moan, letting me know that she liked what I was doing. Her moans satisfied my eardrums like it was my favorite song. All of a sudden, I felt her pull away from me.

"A-Ashton I need another shot" she slurred out.

"I think you've had enough" I said chuckling. Her words were slurred, letting me know she was well passed tipsy. She had no idea how badly she was going to feel like shit in the morning.

"What? No I-I haven't" I knew she was going to be stubborn. She walked off the dance floor and walked towards the bar. I quickly followed behind her.

"Gimme a shot, stro-strongest stuff you have please" she said lazily with a weak smile. The bartender came back with the bitter liquor a few moments later. She swallowed it fast not wanting to taste the bitter liquid and made a funny face.

"Can I have-"

"No, I think you've had enough Zaria" I payed for her shots, grabbed her stuff, and dragged her out of the bar. I figured I would just send a text to my friends later, telling them I left early.

"What are you doing Ashton? I was having-" she stopped to hiccup. "-fun." she said trying to be serious. She failed once she let out another hiccup, making herself laugh.

"This is your first time drinking, you are going to feel like shit in the morning" I said laughing. I put her in the passengers seat, buckling up her seatbelt.

"Where are we going?" her words sounded tired and lazy.

"Home, well my home at least" I got in the car and drove. I had only had one drink, I was fine.

During the ride back home Zaria would run her small hand up and down my arm, she would do the same with my leg. Her fingertips would run along the inside of my jean's seam ever so slightly, making all of the blood rush to were I fucking needed her. When I would look over to her, she would take her hand away and act like she wasn't doing anything. She was a cheeky little shit, even if she didn't know it, and I loved it.

I put Zaria's arm around my shoulder in efforts to help her keep her balance after she almost fell in the parking lot. Opening the door to my apartment almost felt like an impossible task when Zaria kept kissing ny neck and whispering words into my ear that I couldn't understand. It almost sounded like another fucking language. I finally managed to open the fucking door,  stumbling in with Zaria. I lead her to my room and set her carefully on my bed. Almost instantly she got right back up.

"Ash-Ashton I need to get go home" she let out.

"It's two in the morning and you're drunk for the very first time, you are fucking out of your mind if you think I'm letting you go home" and I meant it. She rolled her eyes and sighed. I went into the kitchen to get her a glass of water but when I came back I saw her laying down on my bed, she was sleeping. Light snores escaped her sof lips and she was all curled up, she looked so peaceful. I set the glass down on the coffee table.

I looked through my closet for an extra blanket. Finally finding one, I went back to were she was laying. I layed the blanket ontop of her sleeping body. She quickly cuddled into it, pleased by the warmth it brought her. I placed a light kiss on her cheek and went to sleep on the couch.

(Zaria's POV)

My eyes fluttered open, taking in the unfamiliar surroundings. There was a soft blanket on top of me, it smelt like Ashton's cologne mixed with fabric softener. Memories of ending up in Ashton's apartment last night flooded my mind.

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