{chapter fourteen}

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(Zaria's POV)

My heart started beating fast as I entered the large skyscraper. Busy people in well tailored suits were running around on their phones. I gulped nervously as I approached the front desk.

"Welcome To Lloyd Enterprises, how may I help you?" the secretary asked.

"U-Um, I'm Zaria. I have an in-interview today for the assistant position" I stuttered out.

"Ah yes, Mr. Lloyd has been expecting you" she told me. "What did you say your name was again?"

"Zaria, Zaria Santos."

The busy secretary looked through her computer, searching for my name.

"Zaria Santos! Great, you're right on time. Take the elevator to the top floor, first room to your right, Mr. Lloyd will be waiting for you" she smiled slightly at me.

"Thank you" I nodded and walked to the elevator. It was very packed, to the point that I was back to back with the people around me. But oddly enough, I was the only one left in the elevator by the time I reached the top floor.

"Here goes nothing" I whispered to myself as I walked out of the elevator. I made a right turn, following the secretary's direction. Sure enough I was greeted by a pair of huge, glass doors that had "Lloyd Enterprises" spelt across them. I looked inside to see a fairly young man sitting at his desk, dead smack in the middle of his huge office. I knocked lightly on the glass door and the man, who I assumed was Mr. Lloyd, waved his hand allowing me in. He stood up and shaked my hand as soon as I reached his desk.

"Christian Lloyd, owner of Lloyd Enterprises," he spoke out with loads of confidence. "And you are?"

"Zaria, Zaria Santos," I greeted him with a warm smile, "I'm here for the assistant position" I informed him.

"Right, right. Well, I am a very busy man so this won't take too long. I just want a general knowing as to who may be handling some of my work. So your name is Zaria Santos correct?" he asked.

"Correct" I responded.

"Do you have any criminal records?" and so it begins.

"God, no" the palm of my hands started to sweat, I was nervous to say the least.

"Have you graduated high school?" he asked looking at me.

"Yes, I am currently in college. I'm majoring in business and culinary arts" cooking has always been a passion of mine along with business.

"Culinary arts?" he tilted his head slightly in confusion.

"Yes sir, I enjoy cooking from time to time" I smiled slightly at him.

"Fair enough. How good at you at math?" he questioned.

"Good enough, I suppose. I passed math with a 92 raw average" I was shocked myself when I saw that I had received that grade. I needed Ashton's help with my math homework the other day so how I got that grade was beyond me.

"That's impressive" Mr. Lloyd wrote down a couple of more things before looking up at me. "Anything else you would like to add?" I thought for a moment before I opened my mouth to speak.

"Well Mr. Lloyd, I would just like to say that I may have my imperfections at times but I'm only human. But I am hardworking and I will do anything to get a job done. I promise to be focus 110% of the time and to give it my best at all times." I had no idea where my confidence came from but I'm glad it did.

"Alright Zaria, your résumé was very impressive" I smiled at his statement, I had worked hard on my résumé. "Plus your overall persona is great. Basically, you're hired."

"No way! Thank you so much Mr. Lloyd, I promise not to let you down" I jumped up from my seat and shook his hand quickly.

"Right, well you start on Monday so I expect to see you 8am sharp" he said firmly.

"Great, I'll see you then" with one last smile, I waved goodbye and walked out of Mr. Lloyd's office and out of the building, quickly catching a taxi.

I quickly got home and called up the first person that came to mind.

"Hello?" a sleepy voice answered.

"Ashton! Guess what? I got the job, I actually got the job! Can you believe it?" I practically yelled over the phone.

"Oh really? That's great babe, congratulations!" he said with enthusiasm. His voice always seemes to make my body shiver, even when I'm this excited.

"Thank you, Ash! I start on Monday, I'm so excited!" I couldn't contain the goofy smile on my face.

"This calls for a celebration! Be ready by 8pm sharp" Ashton told me.

"Where are we going?" I quickly questioned.

"Out, 8pm sharp." and with that he hung up. Ashton always knew how to keep me on my toes and I loved that about him. He added just the right amount of excitement to my life to keep me going.

7pm quickly came and I started to get ready for my "celebration". My curls were still done from earlier so I just washed my body in the shower quickly. I redid my makeup and touched up some of my curls. Ashton didn't say where we were going but I assumed somewhere were a dress and heels were appropriate. I slipped on a royal blue dress that stopped a little bit after the middle of my thighs and some black high heels.

At exactly 8pm there was a knock on my door. I opened it up to a very attractive Ashton standing infront of me. He had on black skinny jeans, plain black shirt, and some brown boots. His hair was messy styled but still fell perfectly on top of his head.

"Are you ready?" he asked, breaking my stare.

"Yeah, let me just get my purse" I grabbed my purse and headed towards the door. "So where are we going?"

"To celebrate of course, silly." Ashton said giggling. We got to his car and he opened the door for me. I got in, the familiar scent of Ashton's cologne intoxicated me instantly. He hopped into the car and started driving.

"Wait, so where are we actually going?" I asked him again.

"You're going have to just wait and see babe" he had a mysterious smirk on his face. In the back of my mind I knew that whatever we were going to do was going to be fun because I would be with Ashton.

((A/N: long time, no update! im so sorry guys, I have been very busy with school :( anyways, this chapter is wayyy shorter than usual but I just wanted to post something, so here ya go! I will be updating soon, thanks for reading guys! I love you guys :)

Twitter: @xacidashton))

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