{chapter nineteen}

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(Zaria"s POV)

Work seemed to be flying by today. Being an assistant wasn't hard work, but it did get tiring after a while. Hundreds of papers were being copied each day to make sure everyone at the office got one. The building was tall, no doubt, but I was lucky enough to not be too high up. Lord know I hate heights with a burning passion.

Joaquin seemed to be trying to get to know me more. He would stop by my office to check on what I was doing every couple of hours or he would offer to help distrubute papers to which I would kindly decline.

"So you're sure you don't need help with anything right, Zaria?" Joaquin asked for the third time.

"Yeah, no worries I have everything under control" I said with a slightly annoyed tone. I have always gotten things done faster when I work alone, I'm more relaxed when I'm by myself.

One thing was for sure, Ashton never failed to be running through my mind. I wonder what he would do all day, come to think of it he hasn't told me what he does for a living or if he goes to school. Although the idea of him just staying home curled up in sweatpants and cute socks, watching a movie made me smile. Cute little shit, that's what he is.

Don't get me wrong though, not all of my thoughts were that innocent. I can't count how many times in the day I think about how soft Ashton's lips would feel against my lips. How his rough hands would feel against my hips and butt. I groan to myself, snapping myself out of my own thoughts.

Once I got home from my shift, I took a hot bath to relax my muscles. After a few texts to Ashton, I feel asleep.

(Ashton's POV)

The weather was getting nicer, still a bit cold but definitely better than mid winter weather. I had decided that Zaria and I had to have an adventure. All of our "dates" have been inside due to the weather, but today is a good day and I don't plan on wasting it.

"Hello Mr. Lloyd, it's Ashton, Zaria's boyfriend." I greeted Mr. Lloyd, I'm Zari won't mind being my girlfriend someday.

"Ah yes, hello. How may I help you?" He seemed in a rush, almost too busy for his own good.

"I was wondering if you could give Zaria the day off. She's been working really hard and it's uh, our anniversary, I have something special planned." One more lie won't hurt anyone.

"She has been a great addition to our staff, her work these last couple of weeks has been amazing. I'll give her the day off, paid. Have fun, now I must go." Score.

"Thank you so much, bye." Step 1, complete. Now to call Zari before she goes to work.

"Hello? Ashton?" she sounded like an angel, half asleep and all groggy.

"Hey babe, I called your boss and you're excused from work today, don't worry it's paid. We're going on an adventure, be ready by 6" I said, getting to the point quickly.

"What? You can't just excuse me from work Ash" she said still a bit sleepy and now annoyed.

"Sure I can babe, 6pm sharp! Bye now, I'll let you get ready. See you in a few pretty little thing" I said before hanging up. Step 2, complete. Now to get myself ready, it was going to be a long day with the prettiest girl I know.

((A/N: I'm the queen of short updates now a days, I'm sorry. Nonetheless, let me know what you think babies))

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