{chapter seven}

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(Ashton's POV)

I wasn't entirely sure what came over me. I knew it was our first date but those damn pink, plump lips of hers were calling my name all fucking night. I felt like an asshole when Zaria rejected me but I tried to quickly play it off. All I could think about was if I should text Zaria or not on my way home. I ended up deciding on not texting her, I was still a little embarrassed.

Besides the rejection, our date had gone amazingly. Zaria was finally opening up to me a little and shit, each time she did I found something else to love about her. Like when I compliment her or am a little cheeky, her cheeks quickly blush a light red color. Or when she gets nervous she starts to stutter and looks at her feet. I was never one to pay attention to small details, but everything thing she did was super duper cute. When I fucked girls I wouldn't be interested enough to even look at them more than twice, but with Zaria everything was different.

Holy shit, what am I even saying? I'm only suppose to fuck her and move on, like always. I decided on taking on the challenge that is Zaria Santos just for the fun of it but my own thoughts are starting to betray me. Fuck, I'm screwed.

(Zaria's POV)

I couldn't bring myself to kiss Ashton. Sure he was attractive, very attractive actually, but I just couldn't. This was my first date in two years so kissing almost seemed foreign to me. I don't have anything against him, I just can't bring myself to like him enough to date him. I was scared, I didn't want to have my heart ripped out my chest again. I didn't want that sad, empty feeling to return. I didn't want to have a boyfriend. Ashton and I weren't going to be having anymore dates together, that's for sure.

The next morning Ashton texted me bright and early.

'Hi babe, is it ok if I call you?' -A

'Sure' -Z

A few seconds later my phone rang.


"Hi babe" I could practically hear the smirk on his face. I really can't stand being called babe by him, it just gets under my skin because he knows I hate it, yet he refuses to stop. I let out a loud sigh.

"Ashton, I have a name please start using it" I said annoyed.

"I still like babe better but okay, hello Zaria"

"Much better" I sighed in relief.

"So I was thinking we could hangout today?" he said more as a question then a statement. I wasn't sure if I wanted to even go out today.

"I don't know, I'm feeling a bit lazy" I said honestly.

"We could just have a lazy day then! I could come over and bring food, we can watch movies all day" he said giggling. I loved his giggle, it was so cute.

Zaria, snap out of it. No more dates, remember?

"No thanks. I don't think we should go on anymore dates" my words came out a little bit more harsh then I intended.

"What, why?" I heard his voice get instantly sad. I felt bad but this was best for me ...and him.

"Just- because. I'll talk to you later" I quickly hung up without letting Ashton reply.

I felt bad for hanging up on him but if I didn't I knew he would somehow drag me into saying yes. Then we would keep going on dates until I end up liking him and we start dating. No sir, that wasn't in my plan book anytime soon.

I decided on having a lazy day, but by myself. I got out of bed and headed into the living room. My apartment wasn't much but it was enough. One bedroom, small kitchen, and a cozy living room. A month into living by myself I was getting lonely so I adopted a cat. Her name is Arizona and she's perfect. Most people don't like all black cats with bright gold eyes but that's precisely why I love Arizona.

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