{chapter six}

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Songs to vibe to for this chapter:

Nothin But The Radio- Blackbear

Chasing Hearts- Breathe Carolina ft. Tyler Carter

(Zaria's POV)

My mind started to race with thoughts. Ashton was a nice guy, regardless of how touchy he is. Something just didn't seem right about him, he looked as if he was a bit lost in the world. But then again he could just be a big jerk. Part of me didn't want to go on this date, yet a big part of me really wanted to get to know Ashton. His personality just seemed so interesting. Ever since me and my last boyfriend broke up I haven't really dated a lot, or at all for that matter. I kind of gave up on love and just focused on my life and career. I decided to not over think this simple movie date and just go with it.

I hopped into the shower, the warm water felt really relaxing against my skin. After I was done showering I went into my room to get changed. I plugged my phone into my iHome and started to blast music. I wouldn't exactly say I like a certain type of music, I just listen to whatever sounds good. Although, rap seemed to be my guilty pleasure when it came to music.

I walked over to my closet and looked for an outfit. I decided on some black leggings with a plain white v-neck that covered my bum. I put on a couple of rings and my combat boots. I topped off the whole outfit with a leather jacket. I did my makeup and decided on leaving my hair in its natural wavey state. Just as I finished getting ready I got a text, Ashton.

'Hey babe, I need your address so I can pick you up' -A

Here we go again with the "babe" stuff. I really thought we were passed that.

'Ashton, for the last time, I have a name.' -Z

'Fine, Zaria may I please have your address?' -A

'Much better.' -Z

I quickly texted Ashton my address. I was starting to feel a little nervous about this date. It would be my first date in over two years. I was snapped out of my thoughts by Ashton's text.

'Thank you Zaria, I'll see you in a few babe ;)' -A

We were so close with ending the babe stuff but I guess not. I let out a loud sigh. I wasn't even sure why I agreed to this date, I made it pretty clear to myself that I wouldn't date until I was ready again, yet here I was waiting for Ashton. I just hope I wasn't going to regret this.

'I'm here :)" -A

(Ashton's POV)

I wasn't nervous for my date with Zaria, if anything I was excited to just see her beautiful face again. I decided on wearing just some plain black jeans, a "Ramones" band shirt, a black sweater, and my black vans.

I pulled up to her driveway and texted her that I was here. She came out looking all badass in her leather jacket, I dug her style. Girly girls just never fit my imagination unless it was for a quick fuck. She got in my car and put her seatbelt on. I started to drive off to the movie theaters.

"Hi Ashton" she said with a small smile. She seemed a little nervous, it was cute.

"Hey babe" I said giggling. I knew she hated being called babe, which I never understood why, but I just loved fucking her. She glared at me.

"Seriously Ashton, I know you know my name. What's up with you and calling me babe?" she wasn't as upset as the other times, making me sigh in relief.

"Of course I know your name Zaria, but babe just seems to fit you better" and it was true. Her innocent persona just made the loving name fit perfectly.

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