{chapter ten}

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(Ashton's POV)

I had no idea where the fuck Zaria's new found confidence came from but fuck was I glad she found it. Her body was so hot against mine and I felt like we were on fire. Zaria started to slowly nip and suck on my neck, making me release a low groan filled with pleasure. Her lips felt so warm and soft against my skin, I felt like I was going to explode right then and there. I firmly grabbed her ass in my hands and gave it a squeeze making her gasp. I managed to flip us over so that I was hovering over Zaria on the floor. I started to lightly nip and lick her neck. She lightly moaned, making my pants get bigger. I felt her hands tangle in my hair pulling gently, making me moan out loud again. She looked up at me, eyes wide in shock.

"Just friends?" I whispered in her ear.

"Just friends." she whispered back.

I knew that were agreed on friends but clearly we can't be just friends. I craved her lips on mine every second of the day. I wanted us to be a thing, like in the movies and shit. I knew Zaria didn't want that, but I felt like being just friends was slowly killing me.

(Zaria's POV)

I was shocked by my own actions. Little red marks were visible on Ashton's skin from my assault on his neck a few moments ago. I was sure my neck was just as bruised just as his now. I wasn't sure were my sudden burst of confidence came from but it seemed to have helped the situation. In fact, if he would have kept going I wouldn't have stopped him. Ashton looked so perfect hovering over me. His lips were swollen from kissing and his hair was a bit messy. His cheeks were lightly tinted red and his breaths were faster than usual. His question about being just friends made me quickly realize that we were obviously already more than that. After a few moments I realized that we were just laying there, no words spoken.

"Ashton, you're heavy please get up" I said giggling a little.

"Right" he eased up off of me and we went back to just sitting on the floor.

"I'm uh, sorry. I have no idea what made me just attack you like that" I said embarrassed. My cheeks were probably already flushed.

"It's alright babe, I didn't mind it at all" his right eye dropped with a wink, making my palms sweaty.

"You're still gross" I said slightly pushing him. His beautiful laugh filled the room.

"Right, I'm sure those were your exact thoughts when you were basically eating my mouth" he said in between laughs, I ended up joining him as we both sat there having fits of laughter.

"Well, I have to finish my homework" Ashton just nodded as he started to play with Arizona.

Every once in a while I would look up at Ashton and see him playing with Arizona, it was adorable. Each time I am around Ashton, I can't control my hormones and I end up kissing him. When I'm not around Ashton I still crave his lips on mine, it was a constant battle with myself. My brain wanted to just have him to myself all of the time but my heart knew it knows its a bad idea. It's always a bad idea. After about half an hour I finished my homework. Ashton and I settled on my couch and we started watching a random movie that was on.

"We should go on a date tomorrow" Ashton suggested.

"As friends, right?" Dates were supposed to be over for me and Ashton.

"Right, so is that a yes?" His eyes looked hopeful, I couldn't say no to him.

"Yes" I said with a small smile.

"Great, I'll pick you up at 10am sharp!" He got up from the couch, me following him. He stretched out his arms and pulled me in for a hug. I inhaled his heavenly scent and smiled into his chest. He was a bit taller than me, and by a bit I mean about 6 inches taller than me. He let go a little too fast.

"I'll see you tomorrow then" I said smiling at Ashton.

"10am sharp" he said waving and smiling once more before he left.

I shut the door to my apartment. I made sure Arizona was doing okay before making myself some dinner. After dinner I set Arizona on my bed and crawled my own body into bed. Just as I was about to plug my phone to charge, a message popped up.

"10am sharp babe ;) .x" -A

(Ashton's POV)

I got up at around a quarter passed 9 the next morning. I was taking Zaria on a date in efforts to make her realize I wasn't like the other guys that she has dated. It breaks my heart to know that some asshole had the brain to fuck her bestfriend right in her own bed, while she stood there in tears. I swear, if I knew the guy I would break his fucking neck for ever making Zaria upset. Just the thought of seeing her pretty little face made my heart ache. At first I had the fucked up idea of "fuck Zaria and run" but the more time I spend with her, the more I just wanted to get to know her.

I finally decided to get up and get ready. The shower was warm, Calum must have taken all of the hot water. After my shower, I got dressed. It was suppose to be a casual day with Zaria so I just put on my jeans, a Ramones band tee, my Nike Roshe Runs and a hoodie. I quickly texted Zaria telling her to dress casually. I ruffled my hair a bit setting it in place and sprayed some cologne on. When I walked into the kitchen, I saw Calum sitting there eating some cereal.

"Where are you going so early mate?" he asked. I usually never wake up this early unless it is for classes, which I didn't have today.

"I, uh, have a date with someone" I quickly said while getting supplies to make a bowl of cereal.

"A date? So you guys are fucking?" Calum said chuckling.

"No, we're not" I simply said. Calum sat there shocked. I was never one to take girls on dates unless I was fucking them.

"Are you guys going to fuck tonight?" Calum tilted his head in confusion.

"No, we aren't" I sat down to eat my bowl of cereal.

"So you're just taking her on a date?" he questioned.

"Yes, now stop fucking asking questions" he was getting annoying now.

"What's her name?" he asked.

"Zaria, now stop" he nodded and got up to put his bowl away.

I texted Zaria letting her know that I was on my way. She replied with a simple "okay" with a smiley face at the end. She had no idea of all the little tricks I had hidden up my sleeve for today.

(Zaria's POV)

Ashton sent me a text telling me to dress casual so after my shower I got dressed in a pair of light wash skinny jeans, a black v-neck, a black and white flannel, my leather jacket, and my black vans. I decided to not do anything to my hair, leaving it just in my wavy state. When I was finished it was 9:50 exactly. I sat on my couch and started playing with Arizona.

I couldn't help but to think about what Ashton and I were going to do today. I mean, there's not much that you can do in winter but at the same time there was loads to do. Each time I was with Ashton, I couldn't help but to smile. Not to mention he was one attractive guy. His dimples seemed to always be on display when he laughed, something I don't think I would ever be able get over. His eyes were a beautiful green shade with brown spots, always shining. A loud honking snapped me out of my thoughts, I guess Ashton was here. My guess was confirmed when Ashton sent me a text saying he was here.

"Well Arizona, here goes nothing" I kissed Arizona's small head, grabbed my phone and purse, and headed out.

((A/N: this chapter sucks but I had to get it up! Next chapter will be posted very soon and thank you so much for almost 800 reads! ily guys so much :)

Twitter: @xacidashton))

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