{chapter four}

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Songs to vibe to for this chapter:

Anaconda- Nicki Minaj

2 On- Tinashe

Maps- Maroon 5

(Ashton's POV)

My flight arrived fairly quickly considering I slept most of the time. Once I got off the plane I took a taxi to my apartment and decided to just chill. After a couple of hours I got pretty fucking bored. I didn't workout at all while I was in Miami and well shit, I needed to get back in the swing of things. I put on some basketball shorts and a tank top, grabbed my headphones and phone, a hoodie, and headed out. I drove to the gym and got to business.

I decided to work on my biceps and abs today, they seem to be what I showed off the most. Regardless, I have to keep myself looking nicely toned. Not to mention the gym takes my mind off of things and the only thing on my mind was Zaria. I just couldn't shake her out of my head, not even on my flight here. I even dreamed about her and her beautiful face. I couldn't pin point my feelings for her anymore. Hopefully this workout would help me clear my mind a little.

(Zaria's POV)

My flight back to New York was relaxing. I got to read a couple of chapters of this new book I just got into and even took a nice little nap. I had a taxi drive me back to my apartment. My taxi driver was extremely nice so I ended up giving him a tip. Once I get settled into my apartment I decided to go to the gym. I ate a lot in Miami at those holiday parties. I have always been guilty of having a sweet tooth, this being the reason why I actually try to workout regularly.

I changed into my sports bra with a tank top over it, yoga pants, and my new Nike free runs. I tied my hair up in a ponytail, grabbed my headphones and phone, grabbed my water bottle and finally headed out. I drove to the gym and got started by doing some simple stretches. I plugged my headphones into my phone and put them in my ears. I moved onto doing some squats. I grabbed two, ten pound dumbbells and got into squat position. I dragged the dumbbells down along with me as I did some squats. I kept doing these until I felt a light tap on my shoulder. I turned around and my heart stopped.

(Ashton's POV)

I was in the middle of doing some pushups when I stopped to drink so water. I took a sip of water and took a quick scoop around the gym. My eyes landed on a girl doing some squats. She had amazing the nicest ass I have ever seen. It looked oddly familiar to me though. I looked through the mirror and saw who it was ...Zaria. I decided that I was losing it and that my mind was playing tricks on me. I had to get a closer look so I got up and walked over to her. I came close enough to realize it really was Zaria. My heart started pounding the closer I got to her. What the hell was she doing here? I lightly tapped her shoulders to avoid from scaring her too hard. She put down the dumbbells giving me a nice view of her ass once again and pulled out one of her headphones. She turned around and looked straight into my eyes. I felt my heart skip a beat ..or ten.

"Ashton? I- what are you doing here?" she questioned. I can't believe she was actually here, it seemed crazy because she was all I could think about since we danced together a couple nights back.

"I live here, duh. But I could ask you the same thing babygirl" I said with a smirk on my face.

"I uh- I live here too." Zaria said. She looked at me slightly confused. Probably wondering what was going on, because that was what I was wondering. I looked at her up and down, god damn she was so fucking fit. She had on a bright pink sports bra and a white tank top that showed her bra underneath. She also had on black yoga pants that made her ass look unbelievably good. Her body was really fit and she gave me a look that made my shorts get bigger.

"Ashton, you're staring again" Zaria whispered. She looked down at her feet, suddenly feeling uncomfortable. I got closer to her and put my hand on her waist pulling her closer to me. I leaned down and whispered in her ear.

"I can't help myself baby, you are just so fit." I said. She was quick to push me away. I knew what would happen next, she would leave me standing alone. No, not this time. I was determined to get her number, at least. But a nice gym locker blowjob wouldn't be bad either.

(Zaria's POV)

I was bamboozled. I couldn't believe Ashton lived here in New York, I also couldn't believe we ended up at the same gym. I haven't given him much thought since I left Miami, I figured I wouldn't be seeing him again. Yet here I was, standing a couple of inches from the lanky lad. He hadn't changed since the last time I saw him, he still wanted to get laid. He also still had those beautiful chocolate curls on top of his head and his piercing hazel eyes were still as bright as ever. His tall self still stood proud. But worst of all, his cocky attitude was still there as well. I realized that I wanted nothing to do with him so I grabbed my towel and started to walk away. I hadn't taken two steps before I felt a familiar hand grab my wrist.

"Where are you going?" Ashton said to me, almost concerned.

"Home. I told you already, I don't want to get laid with you." I said sternly. He just can't take a hint.

"You can always just give me a blowjob, those plump lips of yours make you look like a professional at giving blowjobs" he said chuckling a little. My cheeks quickly flushed, the feeling was back. The same feeling that I got at the party when me and Ashton danced was back.

"Absolutely not." I said as I looked away. As attractive as Ashton is, I could never give him ...that. I lost my virginity to my last boyfriend but we had only do it once. My attention was brought back to Ashton when I felt him grab my hand and put his phone into my palm.

"At least let me have your number then. I don't let pretty girls like you just walk out of my life." Ashton said, sounding genuinely sincere. I thought about it for a while. I looked down at his phone, it was already unlocked for me. As much as I hate Ashton's attitude, there is something attracting me to him. Truth is, I just couldn't let him walk out of my life either even if I wanted to. I typed in my number and put my name in the information part. I let out a sigh and gave him his phone back.

"Wicked. Thank you babe, I'll text you." Ashton said with a wink and walked away. Here I was still confused about what had just happened. Never in a million years would I have thought to see Ashton again. It scared me a little in fact, I really didn't want him to bring up the party. I was snapped out of my thoughts when I felt my phone vibrate in my hand.

'Nice ass by the way babe ;)'

My cheeks flushed again, he seemed to have this effect on me a lot. I quickly saved his number to my contact list and grabbed my stuff. I decided to go home early and just process all of the events that had happened tonight. Once I got home I showered and got ready for bed. I made a cup of tea and put it on my bed side table. I crawled into bed and grabbed my book. I always liked to read before bed, it was relaxing. I began reading, when suddenly I heard my phone go off. Ashton had texted me.

'Hey babygirl' it read. I really wish he wouldn't call me that, pet names are for couples only.

'I have a name you know.' -Z

'I know. It's a beautiful name as well. It's very exotic if you ask me ;)' -A

'Well then, I'm glad I didn't ask Ashton.' -Z

I was never good at flirting or anything of that nature. I could tell all Ashton was going to do is try to flirt with me and that's when I started to regret giving him my number. At the same time, I was glad that I did give him my number.

((A/N: I hope you guys enjoyed! I was super busy this week so I had no time to update, i'm super sorry :( Thank you for the feedback and views overall! I will be updating soon! Thanks again for reading! ily loads))

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