{chapter twenty}

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What it do, baby boos :) have fun vibing:

 (Zaria's POV)

I couldn't help but to let out a cheesy smile as soon as Ashton hung up. The boy was crazy for just calling my boss like that but at the same time he was so incredibly sweet. No guy has ever put this much effort in being my friend, in fact no one had ever made this much effort in making me happy in general. No one in my life has been permant besides my mom and Paris, the rest kind of just come and go. But the more time that I spend wih Ashton, the more I want him in my life.

I didn't have a class today so I spent time with Arizona before getting ready. I made sure to fill up her bowls with plenty of food and water. She must of heard me pouring her cat nibble because she rubbed against my ankles with her head. She immediately started to dig in.

I pet her before hopping into the shower. I decided that a nice, steamy shower would help calm my butterflies. I was nervous to see Ashton, things had gotten pretty heated when we last were together. I blushed at the memory.

In the shower I decided to keep my outfit fairly casual. The weather was finally getting warmer after a brutal winter. Don't get me wrong though, the weather was still cold but way warmer than mid-December. I picked out some light wash, ripped skinny jeans along with a black v-neck shirt and a leather jacket to block out the brisk, cold air. I slipped on my black and white vans sk8-hi as well. I decided to spice things up a bit and curled my hair and kept my makeup simple. 

Around 6:05pm, my doorbell rang. A very curly and lanky boy stood outside with flowers in his hands. Sunflowers, how did he know?

"Good afternoon my lady, I would have been here earlier but the wait for the elevator took ages," he giggled and handed me the flowers. "These are for you, I figured you are too unique to like just cliche roses. I hope I'm right and don"t just look like an asshole." he held his breath and looked at me for a response.

"They're perfect. Sunflowers are actually my favorite flower" I said with a cheesy smile on my face. I quickly put them in a vase that I had in my living room along with some water, smiling at their beauty.

"So should we head out?" Ashton's soft request snapped me out of my gaze.

"What? Oh yeah, let's go" I smiled and we walked down to the parking lot.

"Woah, this is your car?" this definitely wasn't what he was driving a few days ago, it was better.

"Yeah, I just scored this pretty, little thing today. Cost me a fortune but well worth it, especially since you like it too." he said with a wink. I blushed and looked down at the car. It was a midnight black color, two doors, and had a killer radio system by the looks of it. We got in the car and Ashton started to drive us off. 

"So where are we going, Ash?" I turned to look at him.

"Its a surprise princess" he said and turned to smile at me.

"Not again, please tell me?" I pouted at him, hoping he would tell me.

"You're so cute, Zaria. But nope, its a surprise" he said with an evil smile on his face. What was this boy up to?

(Ashton's POV)

Zaria's pout was the cutest shit I have ever seen. She looked like a sad puppy that was begging to be fed. I just wanted to grab her face and kiss her pouting, pink lips but I was driving. Although, she should know by now that I like surprising her, it keeps life just that more exciting. 

"Ash, we have been in this car forever, how much long until we arrive?" My heart skips a fucking beat everytime Zaria calls me Ash, it just has a very nice ring to it coming out of her mouth.

"Few more minutes babe" I said to her. True to my word, ten minutes later we arrived at a parking lot.

"A parking lot?" Zaria questioned while turning her head to the side. 

"Um, yeah actually. I thought we could try something a little bit more old school and watch a drive in movie" I let out a bit shaky. Shit, I really didn't think this through. It never crossed my mind that Zaria may not like the idea.

"No way, really? That sounds amazing, Ashton" she said with a geniune smile. I let out a breath in relief, grateful that Zaria was so down for anything that I came up with. I felt like it only brought us closer as "friends", I've learned to us that term very losely when it came to us.

I reached into the backbeat and got the basket full of food. I saw Zaria's face immediately light up with excitement. Yep, she was a definite keeper.

"Alrighty, I didn't know to buy so I bought the whole store." I said chuckling a bit, "I got popcorn, butter of course. Candy, sour and chocolate because I didn't know which one you are more into. Strawberries, in case you get sick of the junk food. Drinks, iced tea or beer, again I didn't know which one you are more into." I said with a wink. 

"Yeah, I'll probably end up taking one of everything" Zaria said giggling a bit embarassed.

"Help yourself babe. I like a girl who can eat" I said and winked at her again. She would blush every time I winked at her.

"Hush up, movie's starting babe" Zaria's eyes quickly widened when she realized she called me babe. I think my heart stopped for a fucking second, or ten. The word sounded so relaxing comin gout of her mouth, so refreshing.I wanted her to keep on saying it over and over again.

"I'm sorry, it just slipped out of my mou-" I quickly hushed her, "No worries babe, I don't mind" I said geniunely. Zaria sat there flushed and still embarrased, she was too cute.

The movie started and Zaria dove right into the food along with a can of beer. The more I'm with Zaria, the more little things I find to like about her. Her love for food has to be one of my favorite things about her.

About half an hour into the movie, a heated sex scene popped up. These actors sure didn't waste any fucking time. I looked over to Zaria, her face was bright red and she was completely focused on the screen. That little tease was enjoying the scene.

Apparently so was I since the tent in my jeans slowly started to get bigger. I tried to adjust myself but Zaria looked at me concerned.

"Are you okay, Ash?" she said concerned. Only now did my eyes decide to notice Zaria's low cut v-neck, boobs perfectly on display when she leaned against the dashboard.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine" I said shakily. Zaria lookd down and smirked up at me.

"It looks like you have a little problem, Ash" she whispered into my ear, holy shit. "Do you need with that?" she licked my ear softly and I let out a low groan.

"Fuck, yes please babe" I said weakly. 

(A/N: yo yo yo!!!! new update, yay lol okay, im not sure how descriptive you guys want the smut so let me now babes, love you loads)) 

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