{chapter one}

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((ok, this is my first fanfic so please bare with me. hope you enjoy!))


(Zaria's POV)

It was a very warm New Years Eve, but I mean this is Miami we're talking about. My friend invited me to a New Years Eve party and being that I came here on vacation to have fun, I decided to go. I took a shower and got ready. I looked through my suitcase for an outfit. Black skirt that stopped right above my knees, a gold sequin top, a black blazer, a couple of rings, and some black heels did just the trick. I wasn't the type one of girl who like to show off every part of their body that they can. I did my makeup, curled my hair, sprayed on some sweet scented perfume, and then I was finally ready to go. Just as I finished getting ready, a text popped up on my phone, Paris was here. See, me and Paris go way back. We met in middle school when I was the new kid in town. We even ended up going to the same college but sadly she transfered to a better college here in Miami. Don't get me wrong, I was happy for her I just missed her loads. She was happy when I told her I was coming to visit her but I was even happier just to see her again. I made my way out of the hotel and into the parking lot only to be tackled by a hug.

"ZARI I'VE MISSED YOU SOO MUCH!" Paris yelled into my ear, I didn't mind it though I've missed her just as much.

"I MISSED YOU SO MUCH" I yelled right back into her ear, slightly chuckling. We let go of each other, walked to her car, and got in.

"So are you ready to party?" she said while wiggling her eyebrows up and down, "I know you're not much of a party person so I really appreciate you coming" she had a sincere smile on her face. She's right, I'm not much of a party person but I've missed her so much so I couldn't refuse when she invited me.

"I guess I have to be ready, im already on my way there" I said giggling, "Plus, I've missed you so much. Not to mention you're going to need someone sober to drive you home" I started laughing and Paris joined in.

"Hey! I'm not that bad" she said pouting.

"Right, keep telling yourself that" I slightly laughing to myself. I really hoped this party wasn't as big as she told me. I have only been to a college party once and it was terrifying, but maybe this party wasn't going to be as bad.

(Ashton's POV)

God damn Miami, why are you so hot? New York is nowhere near this hot. But the trip was definitely worth it, it's amazing here. I was spending New Years like any other teenager, going to a party and getting absolutely wasted. What better way to break in a new year than to fuck some hot girl without strings attacked?

I got ready in my usual band shirt, black pants, black vans, and my all time favorite fedora. I put some cologne on and headed out.

"Tonight should be a good night." I whispered to myself smirking.

((A/N: sorry its boring, it will get better! Follow me on twitter if you want lol @xacidashton))

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