{chapter seventeen}

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(Ashton's POV)

It was passed noon and Zaria still hadn't called me, I was starting to get a bit worried. Shit, look at me, completely and utterly whipped over a girl. I haven't been this whipped in my whole entire life and it was a new feeling to me. This feeling kind of scared me, in a way that I couldn't explain.

'Zaria calling'

"Hey Zari, how's your first day of work going?"

"It's been good! I thought it was going to be wayy worse but everyone is super nice here." She said.

This made me smile. I was glad she was doing okay, it relaxed my nerves.

"That's great to hear, babe" I said. "I miss you" the words slipped out before I could catch them.

"It's been less than a day Ash" she giggled, I missed hearing her giggle. "My shift ends at 6, want to come over later?" she said in a hushed tone, I could tell she felt shy asking me.

"Sounds good, see you later babe" I said smiling.

"See you later, bye" and with that she hung up.

(Zaria's POV)

I had no idea what Ashton and I were going to do later, all I knew was that I wanted to see him. Truth was I missed him too, I missed his presence beside me. Life was better when he was around. As much as I denied it, I couldn't help but to be falling for Ashton.

The rest of the day went by pretty quick and before I knew it my shift had ended. I was walking out the door of the building when I felt someone grip my wrist.

"Leaving already?" I turned around and saw Joaquin. I smiled lightly at him.

"Y-Yeah actually my shift just ended so I was heading home" I explained to him.

"How was your first day?" He asked, geniuenly interested.

"It was great, everyone here is super nice." It was true, everyone helped me out today to make sure I got the hang of things.

"Great to hear, see you tomorrow." he finally said.

"See you tomorrow, bye" I smiled and walked away.

"Ciao" I heard him say behind me.

Once I arrived to my apartment complex, I unlocked the door to my apartment door and went in. It felt good to finally slid the heels off of my aching feet. I would have to go pick up some gel souls for them later this week. I felt my phone vibrate in my hand.

'I'm outside, unlock the door babe'

I went to my door and opened it to find a lanky boy leaning against my door.

"Well hello pretty lady" Ashton giggled to himself.

"Come in, you weirdo." I silently giggled to myself as well. "Pizza should be here soon"

"I'm starting to think all you eat is pizza Zari," he said while sitting on my couch. "It's not healthy for you"

"Pizza is life Ash, plus I workout regularly" I defended myself.

"I can tell, babe" he said while looking at me up and down, shamelessly. "I dig the whole assistant look by the way, it's sexy"

I felt my cheeks flush, I never really thought of myself as the sexy type.


The door suddenly rang, I got up and answered it. I paid the young delivery guy and placed the box on the kitchen table. Ashton got the hint and sat down by the table.

"So why did you want me to come over?" Ashton asked while eating a slice of pizza.

Truth is I just missed him, too bad I couldn't let him know that. I just wanted to tell him how my day went and I wanted to know how his day went. He was my only friend here, besides Andrea and a couple of other people that I see at school.

"I-I'm not sure, I just wanted to talk to you" I said with a slight smile. "Plus you seem to hate it when I have movie nights by myself."

"I do, you're right. It's rude and disrespectful that as my friend you dare to have movie night by yourself" he said inbetween bites.

"Let's pop a movie in and move this party to the couch then, grumpy" I said, giggly at the last part. I popped a movie into the DVD player and pressed play.

"Hey, I am not grumpy!" Ashton said in a grumpy tone.

"Whatever you say, grumpy" I said in a hushed voice.

"Alright that's it" Ashton announced. Before I knew it I was on the couch with Ashton ontop on me.

"Ashton s-stop tickling m-me!" I said inbetween laughs.

"Not until you admit I'm not grumpy" his large hands continued to tickle my ribs and stomach, making me laugh uncontrollably.

"F-Fine Ashton, y-you're not grumpy" I finally said. Ashton stopped tickling me but remained on top of me.

"You know, I always imagined this the other way around babe" he said and winked at me.

"Just get off, you pervert" I smacked his thigh and he finally got off. We looked at the television, finally watching the movie. I put my legs ontop of Ashton's lap as we ate some more pizza.

I hadn't realized how much my skirt had gone up until I felt Ashton's fingertips on my thighs. He didn't realize he was touching my thighs but it made my face red. Ashton finally realized he was touching me and quickly lifted his hands.

"S-Sorry, I didn't realize I was touching you" he said awkwardly as he scratched the back of his neck.

"It's alright, it kind of felt good" I said shyly. Ashton's eyes quickly turned darker with lust.

He quickly went back to lightly brushing his fingertips up my leg and to my thigh. He continued this for a while. The sensation felt good against my tired body, a soft moan slipped out of my mouth.

"Fuck, Zaria don't moan" Ashton deeply breathed in and out. "You have no idea what it does to me" he said helplessly.

"Why don't you show me?"

A/N: woah, my feels are through the roof at the moment. Anyways, yay for another update! I'm going to be updating once more before 2015 so be on the look out for that :) Also, I wanted to know if you guys want me start putting up playlists for each chapter, I like the idea of it, let me know!

Twitter: @xacidashton

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