{chapter two}

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Listen to these songs to get this chapter"s vibes! :)

Dirty Laundry- Blackbear (TWRK Remix)

Blame- Calvin Harris ft. John Newman

NaNA- Trey Songz

(Zaria's POV)

Once me and Paris got to the location of the party, her friends came up to her and took her away to do some partying. I couldn't really blame them, Paris was a great person to party with being that she is so full of life and happiness. I figured I'd just meet up with her in a while. Sweaty bodies were everywhere and the smell of alcohol suddenly intoxicated me. I slowly made my way through the crowd of people and into the kitchen. I really needed some water, this party was exactly what I feared. I was way in over my head coming in the first place. Once I got to the kitchen I looked around for some water, too bad all I found were red solo cups with alcohol inside. I let out a deep sigh and went to the fridge to see if there was any water inside of there.

(Ashton's POV)

I took a cab to the party, I figured I would be getting wasted tonight. Once I arrived at the party the familiar smell of alcohol hit me. Michael, my long-time friend, was hosting this party so it was bound to get fucking crazy. Just as I walked in a couple steps a drunk Michael came up to me,

"He-eyyy Ashton-n" his words were slurred, he was drunk beyond belief.

"Hey Michael, I see you're already drunk shitless" I said chuckling and walking away. I walked by a couple of girls and winked at them, they all started squealing. Bitches are too easy now a days, but it makes it easier for me to get laid. I walked into the kitchen looking for some beer. As soon as I walked into the kitchen I saw the nicest ass I have ever seen bent over, looking through the fridge.

"Holy fuck." I said a little too loud. The girl got up and looked at me, in that moment I knew I was taking her back to my hotel room tonight. I looked at her up and down, damn she was fit. She had the sexiest curves, she didn't need to wear a short black dress for someone to realize that. She cleared her throat, snapping me out of my trance.

"Um, you're staring at me. I don't really appreciate that" she said all feisty.

"Feisty, I like it. What's your name baby?" I said while smirking. I started walking closer and closer to her. I could see her tense up.

"I don't see a reason to give you my name." she said seriously. I walked up to her so our bodies were almost touching, I heard her breath hitch in her throat. I realized how short she was compared to me, it was ...cute.

"You're right, but I will get your name by the end of the night." I said whispering into her ear.

(Zaria's POV)

This stranger had a thick accent, Australian maybe. He had amazingly toned biceps. His hair was hidden in his fedora. He stood tall and proud. He wasn't exactly somebody that would catch my eye, but he seemed to have caught it.

"You're staring are me, I don't appreciate that." he said mocking me. But he was right, I was staring.

"No, I wasn't." I quickly snapped at him, backing away from his body. I wasn't going to give him the satisfactory of knowing that I was checking him out. My thoughts were interrupted when the stranger walked towards me with a red solo cup.

"Here, drink it" he said giving it to me. I was quick to shove it away, I don't drink.

"I don't drink" I said quietly. He looked at me confused but then he started to chuckle. His laugh was adorable, wait what am I saying?

"Why are you at a party if you don't drink?" he said still chuckling, "That defends the purpose coming here, don't you think?"

"No, I can still dance. I don't have to be wasted to have fun." I said annoyed. He was quick to judge me, although I expected nothing less of him.

"So let's go dance" the stranger said grabbing my hand and dragging me out into the dance floor. I quickly started to regret the words that came out of my mouth.

I didn't have time to register what was going on, before I knew I was on the floor with this stranger. He grabbed my waist pulling me closer to him. My breath started to quicken, I had never danced with someone so close before. Let alone with a complete stranger. The music started to pick up and the bass started pounding. The stranger kept pulling me closer to him, if that was even possible. I started to slightly panic.

(Ashton's POV)

This gorgeous girl seemed so clueless when it came to dancing. I decided to take the lead as I started to slowly move my hands from her waist to her fine ass giving it a little squeeze. She jumped up a little, her eyes widened. Her reaction made me chuckle. Her face was filled with fright. I spinned her around and started grinding on her, my hands on her waist tight incase she tried to escape. She seemed very tense.

"Relax baby, just live a little." I whispered into her ear. She shook her head a little, relaxing her body. Her hand reached behind her and grabbed my neck, now we're talking. She started grinding her ass against my crotch, finally getting on the same page as me. Holy fuck, she was a good dancer. She tried keeping up with the beat of the music. Her ass felt so good against me, I let out a low groan. This seemed to scare her because she stopped dancing and turned around to look at me. She seemed scared by her own actions.

"I'm sorry, I have to go" she said over the music. Just like that I was left alone in the middle of the dance floor.

((A/N: hey, hope you liked this chapter! I'm currently sick so sorry if it sucks :( thanks for reading anyways :) please feel free to leave feedback, thank you!

Twitter: @xacidashton))

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