{chapter five}

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Songs to vibe to for this chapter:

Feel So Close- Calvin Harris

All About That Bass- Meghan Trainor

Bang Bang- Jessie J., Ariana Grande, Nicki Minaj

(Zaria's POV)

I ended up falling asleep on Ashton. I woke up the next morning with my phone blown up with Ashton's texts.


'Don't be a tease, answer me babe'


'I'm guessing you fell asleep'

'Yeah, you fell asleep. I guess goodnight then babe'

My heart melted each time Ashton called me babe. I didn't exactly like it though, I felt as if pet names were for couples. Me and Ashton were definitely not a couple. Dating was never really my thing, I've only had 2 boyfriend's my whole life and they both ended horribly. I mean, cheating once is bad enough but my last boyfriend cheated at least 15 times and even screwed my bestfriend right in my own bed. Needless to say I was done with boys at that point, all they seem to do is break me.

I decided to leave Ashton hanging for a while, I still couldn't even process the events that have even happened since I got back home. I wanted to go back to the gym today, but I feared bumping into Ashton again. I didn't get a good workout yesterday and I was feeling pretty weak. I finally decided on just going to the gym. I got my workout clothes on and headed back out to the gym.

As soon as I walked into the gym I felt my phone vibrate, Ashton.

'Hey babe, what are you up to?' -A

'Stop calling me babe, I have a name and I'm at the gym.' -Z

'I'll be right there.' -A

I didn't know what Ashton was up to but I decided to just go with it. In all honesty I just wanted to get a good workout in. I figured Ashton would be a while so I hopped on the treadmill. It was getting really humid in the gym but I was not about to expose myself to Ashton. Moments later I felt a tap on my shoulder. I stopped the treadmill and got off. I saw Ashton standing there, looking oddly smiley.

"Hey babe!" he said with his signature smirk on his face.

"I have a name Ashton." I sternly said. I was getting tired of having to constantly remind him.

"I know, but I like babe better" Ashton started to chuckle at his own response. "I think you should help me workout" he said while looking at me.

"Why would I do that?" Why would I WANT to workout with him was a better question. I haven't even gotten a chance to get to know him yet.

"Because, that way we can get to know each other" he said with a wink and I instantly felt my cheeks get red. It was like he read my mind.

(Ashton's POV)

This was my perfect chance to get to know Zaria. Of course I still wanted to get laid with her but I knew it was going to take some time. I didn't mind though, I liked a good challenge. I needed to figure her out, there was something different about her. She made me feel a strange feeling each time I was near her. She stood there awkwardly looking absolutely perfect. She had on those damn yoga pants on again, making my shorts get bigger each time I looked at her. Shit, not to mention her neon sports bra was peaking through her tank top like the little tease I know she is. She was so fucking hot and she didn't even know it.

"Holy shit just work out with me, Zaria." I said a little more serious than I intended. She took a moment to think before letting out a loud sigh.

"No, I don't think that's a good idea" Zaria said all seriously.

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