{chapter fifteen}

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(Ashton's POV)

When the door open to Zaria's apartment, my breath was taken away. She stood there in her tight ass dress that hugged her curves that had my hormones raging with just one look. Her legs were on display, toned and just the right shade of tan. Her Puerto Rican roots definitely showed with her tan skin, even in the end of winter and dark brown eyes, she was a beauty.

It was last minute but I managed to get reservations at one of my favorite restaurants in the city after negotiating with some of the workers. Zaria called me all excited about getting the job and of course I had to take her out to go celebrate. Maybe I would even be.able to score some brownie points with her during the dinner.

We arrived fairly quickly and got seated right away.

"See anything you like babe?" I asked Zaria while looking through the menu.

"I'll just take the burger and fries" she softly said with a sweet smile.

"We are at an expensive ass restaurant and you ask for a burger and fries?" I questioned her. She let out a giggle and just nodded. "Fuck, I think I'm in love" I said chuckling. I looked up and saw her cheeks flush a light red color, adorable.

The waiter came and took our orders, I ended up getting the same thing as Zaria. A couple of minutes later she came back with our food. We started digging in instantly.

"So how was your interview?" I asked inbetween bites.

"It was nerve racking at first," she popped another french fry into her mouth. "But Mr. Lloyd turned out to be really nice"

"Mr. Lloyd?" the name rang some bells but I brushed it off.

"My boss, he owns the company" she said, I felt myself relax after she said that.

"He better not fucking try any funny business with you" the words flew out of my mouth before I could I stop them.

"No way, gross that's my boss" she scrunched up her cute little nose and gave me a disgusted look. I chuckled a bit before eating some more.

After we both finished eating the waitor came back with the bill. I saw Zaria start to look through her purse, she was stubborn girl.

"Don't even go there Zaria, its on me babe" I layed out the money and led her out of the restaurant. After we got buckled in the car, I started driving back to Zaria's apartment.

A few radio tunes sing-alongs and cheesy jokes later, we arrived to Zaria's apartment complex.

"I'll walk you up" I stated, she simply nodded in appreciation. We got to her door and she finally spoke up.

"W-Would you like to come in for a while?" her stutter was adorable.

"A few minutes wouldn't hurt" I smiled as we walked in.

(Zaria's POV)

My "celebration dinner" as Ashton kept calling it went good, great infact. Ashton told me a few cheesy jokes, complimented me, and even payed for the whole thing. The more time I spent with Ashton, the more I realized I was starting to really like him and that to me was terrifying. Liking someone meant dating, dating meant being in love, being in love meant someone is going to get hurt in the end. I wasn't ready to be hurt, again. But every time I was Ashton I felt happy, like I had no worries in the world.

I wasn't sure why I invited Ashton to stay a while at my apartment, all I knew was that I didn't want him to leave yet.

"You can sit down if you want" he walked over to the couch and sat down. As soon as he sat down Arizona immediately jumped onto his lap. He giggled and started petting her. The sight always seemed to melt my heart. I slid off my heels and walked over to the couch, sitting at the other end of where Ashton sat.

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