CHAPTER THIRTY-NINE; the yule ball

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Y/F/C- Your Favourite Colour
Y/D/L- Your Dress Length

~Y/N's POV~

Over the past week preparing for Christmas and things was a rush. We all went to Hogsmeade to buy presents and Hermione and I had to buy dresses for the ball.

"Come on 'Mione! Just tell me! I promise I won't say anything!" I begged as we walked to a dress shop near the less popular area of Hogsmeade.

"Fine, but you can't tell anyone. Especially not Fred." Hermione glared.

"I promise!" I cried.

"Fine." Hermione took a sharp breath in. "viktorkrummight'veaskedmetotheballandisaidyes."

"Can you please say that again, and slower?"

"Viktor Krum asked me to the ball and I said yes." Hermione whispered slower than before.

"Hermione! That's so cool!" I exclaimed as we entered the small shop and were immediately hit with the scents of peppermint and parchment.

"Woah..." Hermione and I gasped in synch. For a very small shop it had an unbelievable amount of dresses of different colours and designs.

We gazed around the many rows and stands of dresses until Hermione stops.

She had her eyes glued to a slightly ruffled, periwinkle dress that reaches mid-shin length and was smiling.

"Try it on 'Mione!" I encouraged her and Hermione slowly approached the dress and took it off of it's wrack to try it on.

While Hermione was changing I examined the other dresses in the store until I saw one. The one. It was a y/f/c, y/d/l dress and it looked beautiful. As I moved closer to the dress I heard a squeal from behind me.

"Y/N! Look!" I was Hermione in the periwinkle dress. It looked perfect on her.

"HERMIONE JEAN GRANGER! You look stunning!"

"Enough about me, look at that one!" She pointed to the Y/F/C dress. "It would look amazing on you! Guarantee it."

"I'll try it on." I answered and grabbed the dress off of its wrack.

I made my way to the small change room and replaced my sweater, scarf and jeans with the dress. It hung loosely off of my body as I twirled a little after changing. I glanced into the mirror and gasped.

Hermione was right. I actually look really pretty.

I gingerly stepped out of the changing room and Hermione, who was now changed back into her jumper and scarf, jaw dropped.

"Fred is totally going to flip when he sees you!" She exclaimed and I smiled.

"You think so?" I asked.

"Oh I know so!" She grins and goes to pay for her dress as I changed back into my jeans.

After I bought the dress Hermione and I found Fred, George, Lee, Lewis, Harry and Ron in the Three Broomsticks.

"Y/N! Hermione! Can I seeeeee!" Lee begged as we sat down at the table.

"Later." I said. "Just a question though, who are you going with to the ball?"

Lee looked down at the table at this comment.

"Probably by myself. You're going with Fred, George is going with Angie, Lewis is going with Heather the Hufflepuff, Alicia is going with some Durmstrang even Katie's going with a Beauxbatons girl."

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