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Now Freya finally enters after Finn attacks them again like in the show how she shows up with the exception of well Jeremy and Now I got it where to put the propose either in s3 or at the end of the show so thats the two options either before the coffin or the end of the series but possibly season 4 but thats not as fitting because then she would be gone with him with Hayley and Hope to protect because you know she would ask that 

Now after that rant here we go with Freya comes to meet the rest of her siblings after Finns attempt to kill his niece 

Klaus comes in 

" Well since Finn is alive I think we should check the graveyard since thats where the witches are I bet Finn is there 

they all go with Jeremy included 

they go to the graveyard and Finn comes out 

" Well Well Klaus "

" Finn you dare Show your face to me after what you did "

" I was saving her from you, and your pain "

Klaus rushes him 

" My daughter is who you just tried to kill not some other person "

" Whats the difference "

" SHes my daughter you niece "

Freya walks by 

Klaus Shoves him to the ground and Freya casts a spell 

" They won't hurt you now "

" Your protecting him after what he did "

" I knew nothing of that "

" You brought him back "

" Hes our brother, the Finn I know would not do such a horrible thing "

" He did them still now tell me why should we trust you "

" Im your sister "

" Ah yes so you claim "

Elijah steps forward 

" Klaus leave "

" Your defending her "

" You need to chill "

" Fine "

Klaus and Rebekah leave 

" Thank you "

" I trust your my sister, I don't trust you yet "

" Well Elijah I look forward to earning your trust "

Freya walks away and Elijah staring 

Elijah Rebekah and Klaus is in the room 

" Elijah you trust her why "

" She's been trapped for thousand of years for one and she's coming so I expect you to behave "

" Fine ill behave and listen to what she has to say "

" thank you Niklaus, I don't need to ask you do I "

" She saved me from that place where Kol played his trick on me with "

Freya appears 

" Thanks for meeting 

" Now what did you want to talk to us about "

" the real threat "

" And that is "

" Deliliah "

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