7 years Later

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So I hope y'all had a good Saint Patties yer Irish Folk and also to those who joined the Harmony server we hit 3000 members thank to those who joined the discord  thanks now dont forget to join at hhriscanonbitches.com and go read some stories from sweet sheen and untoldharmony  

So after that HHR HMS Harmony rant were back with another story this is obviously a 7 year time jump like the show so were going through how it started in episode one and then well go from there so ill just go through what everyone was doing in the first few episodes 

Klaus is busy in France 

" You seriously haven't heard of me "

" Now why should I "

" Im Klaus Mikaelsson "

" Nothing "

" Ok maybe this "

Rips out his heart and turns at the screaming faces and eats it and tosses his heart on his body 

" Im called Klaus Mikaelson the great Evil "

Ok so Jeremy and Rebekah were tricking around the world and given Jeremy was already a hunter got the back of being a vamp more easier than other vamps did so that was nice to know so they go to Ireland ( Im sorry I had to, but UK 4 countries in one as well )

" this is a wonderful country "

" I know "

" Im glad im with you "

" Who else would i be with "

" I promise once we get this situation figured out ill marry you "

" Jer its been 7 years how are supposed to "

" I dont know we just have to hope, we just have to hope I guess "

" Yeah I guess "

" Hey listen for now we have each other and hopefully a kid "

" Um how do we do that "

" Well I talked to freya and we can get a Fertility spell so we can have a kid "

" Are you sure "

" Yeah I mean well revert back but it will give us the ability only if you want to "

" Of course I want to "

Jumps and hugs Jeremy in the house they're staying at 

" Im glad "

Elijah gets off the bus and wondering where he is because well he doesn't remember so hes been wandering around for a few until he found the that other vamp 

and then Klaus visits him eventually 

KOl and Davina got married and are going to have a kid thats to the fertility spell 

So they got married already

Ok Hope gave that werewolf her blood and such so this is where things go downhill actually now 

so Klaus comes by to Elijah 

" So you like Music "


" Yeah you could say that I guess "

" SO what brings you here "

" I guess its Paris "


" Well Paris is a nice place isn't it "

Klaus smiles 

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