the Rescue of Klaus

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so now were rescuing Klaus now before id like to say as you know im going to do harmony after this at the start its probably going to be dribbles and one shots for the lovely HHR HMS Harmony discord server we have so if you like harmony aka harmione aka her also harry and Hermione so if you like that head over to so now with that out of the way.

ok now back to the story ok Klaus is getting rescued in this chapter so and also Jerbekah Proposal and haylijah attempt at life and maybe a Klaroline call and maybe might lead to bringing her in earlier than she does in the show because I have to bend my canon rules sometimes right hehe ok now on the story 

So now they get to the tunnel and Rebekah and KOl are somewhere else off while everyone else is busy trying to get Klaus 

" Ok Rebekah you know what to do "

" Right see if I can convince marcel out of it "

" Yep "

" good luck now lets get Niklaus "

They get in the tunnel and get in the creak and see Klaus 

" Niklaus how are you "

" You know im just sitting here now im glad your all alive "

" He sure did a number on you, freya can you get this "

" I can try to get him free "

" Ok "

Marcel is in the graveyard and sees Rebekah 

" Rebekah, well I can say this has been a surprise "

" save it I have a right to stick you "

" After what you went through with that dagger I dont think so "

" That your people put me through so you'd understand why I would stick it through you  "

" I can understand but why are you here "

" to ask you to let Klaus go "

" I can do that I need to prove I mean what I say "

Rebekah looks confused 

" SO my brother is a trophy of some kind to you "

" I would say that, Rebekah "

" Id choose your words v carefully Marcel Gerard "

Sofia stakes her 

" Thanks, I think I have an idea of what their planning "

" All right lets go "

Some of Sofias people are there 

" well look here she's awake "

" I have a mind to kill you "

" well good thing your staked "

Kol comes behind one and takes out his heart 

" Now that not very nice to do to a lady "

" Who are you "

" well Im Kol and thats my little sister so basically your dead "

attacks him and he grabs his arm 

" Ok ask me this im assuming she only got caught bu outside help and she's and original and im here brother so that'd mean I am who is also Nicklaus' brother what chance did you think you had also your just thugs so what did you think was going to happen "

" Umm "

with a smirk 

" Oh thats right you didn't think that through did you now "

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