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ok before I start this off ok obviously you know im going to start with HHR HMS Harmony shocker I know but I gotta even tho its not a harmony story but Harmony is number 1 above all interestingly harmony is the reason I even started writing this at all I probably wouldn't have even started writing these stories maybe but not to this extent maybe well never know but its all thanks to harmony sadly theres not a Jerbekah server but theres not enough to go on so we gotta find a way but it all thanks to Harmony to even think about writing or inspire me to do so 

also Harmony is my number one ship through and through OTP  so with that, sorry for the little rant also remember if you love Harmony join the discord through hhriscanonbitches 

Klaus and Hope are just standing there

" Where is she "

" Why so you can run off again "

" Hope its not safe "

" Yeah then why did you ever call were you busy "

" Thats beside the point im you father im here to protect you "

" A phone was too hard fror you was it "

" I have to go we've been close already "

He tries to leave but hope closes the door

" NOt yet "

" Hope I am your father I know whats best for you this is bad were dangling the world by being together "

" So whats the problem "

" Maybe I was just made to leave you broken "

Hope looks at him 

" You think im broken "


She lets the door open 

" leave if im so broken "

Klaus looks then leaves out the door and picks up the phone 

" well hello "

" Let me guess it didnt work "

" what am I supposed to say "

" well I dont know try "

"I might've messed that up "

" what did you say "

Klaus tell Caroline 

" Klaus come on "

" Caroline what it was just out "

" It your daughter "

 " what I suppose you have done better "

" Well ive tried "

"OK "

Back to Jeremy and Rebekah 

" Where shall we go now "

" well hopefully home "

" But "

" I Know it difficult "

gets a call 

" Give me a second "

Looks and sees Hope 

" Huh "

" what a"

" Hope is calling "

"Well answer "

" Thats what im doing "

Sees hopes face 

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