Meeting Hope

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Ok so were going to delve into Jeremy meeting his Niece Hope Andrea Mikaelson for the first time and maybe ask her to marry him but not just right away of course but it will happen v soon but semi far away from now because it wouldn't make much sense to have him instantly ask her to marry him now would it after all they want to be careful and with that I imagine either during season 3 or 4 and there will be something with him and the 5 year gap later not sure what yet  but ill deal with that when it comes to it.

After Jeremy said goodbye to his sister for what he thinks is for now Caroline runs out ad catches up to him 

" Jeremy "

" Caroline what do you want I need to get to where im supposed to be "

" I Know just I have a feeling I know what Elena said and you finally told her "

" Yep "

" didn't go too well did it ? "

" Its that obvious huh "

" Oh you bet, just know you have one person here who support you for your decision if no one else does "

" Thanks Care I appreciate it "

Hugs Caroline 

" Now get going we don't want Rebekah mad at both of us "

Jeremy laughs 

" No we don't "

" now tell her I said hi "

" OK you got it "

With that he packs his hunters gear and his crossbow made for him 

" Did Alaric make that "

" Yep every hunter needs one "

" And custom made "

" YEp "

" Ok see you next time "

" See you Care "

With that he gets in his Jeep and rive off to New Orleans to see Rebekah and whatever it is she got sounds special "

Rebekah calls 

" Hi Jer how'd it go "

" well apart form Elena not liking it pretty fine, Oh Care said hi "

" Tell her I said hi from one " Barbie " to another "


" I will for sure "

" Hey its ok if Elena doesn't support, you know my opinion on her anyway "

" Yeah, you don like her too much "

" Nope, so how close are you "

" Im pretty close only half way there "

" You got the destination right "

" Oh yeah I do, what do you have "

" Her its a suppose come on "

" Ok fine "

" Now get going and meet me here "

" Ok see you there "

So while Jeremy is Driving he's thinking what could it be "

" It has to be something very special to a Mikaelson so a weapon possibly, what could it be tho all I can think of is a weapon but must be real special to trust Bekah with because as much as they fight he is her favorite sibling after and would trust her with anything regardless of what it is so it has to be something real important"

as he's thinking he get stopped by a vampire who throws him off the car and he land kneeled on the ground 

" this is a bad day for you... HUNTER!!! "

" Well normally id be down to deal with you vampire but unfortunately I have someplace to be "

" Not Anymore "

Vampire rushes and Jeremy dodges 

" Well I've been a hunter for a few years and I know a few of my own and im Dating one "

" FYI I wouldn't go to New Orleans it free for all on newbies "

" I see but I won't be in the city "

" Oh Well still time to end "

Vampire grabs him and gets stabbed 

"AHH "

" Well buddy you do know its a bad idea to mess with a hunter "

" Be careful for the originals "

" well that won't be a problem since im dating one "

" What "

" Yeah "

" If Marcel find out "

" I wouldn't worry, well I got to go Sorry I had to make this quick "

Takes out the stake as he dies officially and gets back in the jeep but checks if anything is damaged and fixes what is in fact damaged 

Drives by the sign that said " Welcome to New Orleans but drives to where Rebekah Sent him to go and get by the small humble little house "

looks confused Seeing as MIkaelson but assumes it is Nad Knocks on the Door Rebekah opens thew door and with a Smile hugs him to his surprise which he was not expecting "

" Woah "

" What "

" Nothing just didn't expect that "

" I haven't seen you in what a year and a few months and im not supposed to hug you "

" More like kiss me "

Puts his hand on her cheek and kisses her and she closes her eyes And smiles afterwards 

" Now that more Like it indeed "

" Now what is it you wanted to surprise me "

" I can only imagine you were thinking what it could be a weapon or something and since he trusted me its special "

" well yeah kinda right exactly "

" I know you Jer so I know what your thinking And no its not any of those its something even more special "

" Ah what is it "

" Follow me and you'll see "

Jeremy follows me and is shocked to see a Baby 

" Is that... "

" Jeremy gilder meet my niece Hope Andrea Mikaelson, Klaus' Daughter "

" Wait how Vampires cant "

" Well he's a Hybrid so they can "

" With who "

" Remember Hayley the Werewolf "

" Yeah "

" Well its their daughter "

" AH. I see so its their kid "

" YEah i see this is kind of weird "

" Not that Klaus caring is weird "

" You could say the same about me "

" yeah true "

Well the thing is we must protect her at all costs because People want her for not good reasons "

since his Hunter was inside looks at his Crossbow and looks at Rebekah 

" You're Family is my Family so I shall protect her with all I have "

Ok that end Jeremy discovery of Hope And how he reacted obviously he reacted as any one would with having a future kid in the family or just a baby in general protecting it at all costs because that is what family does and Future Family for that matter so in other words he will protect them new matter what and ill say there will be occasionally Klaroline HAylijah and Kelvin in here eventually more HAylijah to KAroline but eventually Kolvina 

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