The reuinion

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So hope is with Rebekah in the park while Ester is trying to find her to get Hope and Jeremy is at the house guarding in the case someone tries to to get hope with his specialized crossbow so Elijah  and the reuinion of everyone and Hayley meets Jeremy 

So Jeremy is on the steps after Rebekah left with hope he's on the steps with his Crossbow  and Klaus calls him  and Jeremy answers 

" Well hello Klaus "

" Well if it isn't Little Gilbert "

" What do you want "

" Where might my sister be "

" Shell probably be in the park with hope why "

Jeremy gets up and stand with Klaus' silence 

" Well my mother is trying to get Rebekah one to turn her into a witch and two to get My daughter as well "

" Wait why is your mother trying to get your mother let alone how is she alive if I remember she died "

" Well thats a story for another time little Gilbert "

" Ok so what do we do "

" Well Elijah is coming to meet up with Rebekah and well be there so we can figure it out before my siblings try to come after Hope "

" Ok what shall I do "

" Just there and be careful "

" Ok "

Jeremy just sits with his crossbow as Rebekah and Elijah gets there 

" Are you ok "

" Im fine "

Elijah looks at Jeremy 

" Jeremy Gilbert how lovely it is to see you again "

" And Again from you too Elijah "

Elijah walks inside 

" whats wrong "

" Somethings wrong with him "

" what do you mean "

" Its nothing ill talk to Nik about it "

" Ok "

Rebekah goes and talk to Nik about Elijah and how he explained its most likely and after affect of being held by their mother 

Rebekah walk next to Elijah 

" You ok "

" Im Fine Rebekah why "

" Just making sure "

" Ok "

Elijah is by Hope and Jeremy is hugging Rebekah from behind as she smiles and they hear a van and Elijah and Rebekah step outside with hope and Jeremy is still inside thinking they'd like a time alone 

" Now my dear sister why is little Gilbert "

" Um "

Jeremy walks out 

" Im here "

" Why are you in there your technically family as well so why stay inside " 

" I thought you'd like alone "

" No "

Hayley steps forward 

" Your Elenas brother "

Jeremy chuckled 

" Yeah "

" This is the hunter is it "

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