The Other Brother

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ok now for Finns appearance ,

Ok so if i didnt do Rebekah going crazy i might go back and edit just know basically the same thing happened plus Jeremy and such Elijah stabbed her with his deepest regret and hesitance and other but it happened the same.

Now for Kol and Dancing with Davina and while she is sleeping he tries to drink blood but he doesn't have any and drinks it from someone 

" It appears you cant control yourself my dear brother "

" Finn "

" Hello Brother "

the next day Kol comes 

" Hes back Niklaus "

" Kol who is back "

" Finn "

they all look 

" Thats not possible "

" well i came back its not too much to suggest he did as well "

Finn walks in 

" Well clearly we have something to discuss "

" Why are you hear you trapped me to die "

" Ive come to reconcile "

" What makes you think i will want to "

( just so you know Camille is barely here for becuase ill only bring her in when shes important after all this is a Jerbekah story but still i should probably add maybe )

" Kol leave for a sec "

" Fine i dont want to be near him "

Elijah and Klaus look at Finn 

" What do you want "

" TO talk i want to go back into another body "

" fine but why "

" Im done being i want to die "

" Ok "

Freya and vincent get captured 

Finn walks in the halls 

" You say you want to die "

" Who are you "

" the witch that watched him die "

Casts a binding spell 

" What did you do "

" Now you will experience what you brother did "

Klaus comes Freya is gone 

" Why "

" I bet Lucien captured her and Vincent "

" well bloody hell "

" Well Finn plan on having a trip back to the birthplace of where it all began "

they arrive at mystic falls 

" This is the last place i wanted to see again "

" Oh hush "

" Well you say were sibling yet you kept me in a casket for 900 years "

" Well im sorry shall we go find our sister "

they walk across 

" Lets get this over and get out of her "

Matt walks over 

" Yeah i dont think thats happening you see i just drove the vampires out of town "

" Were looking for our sister "

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