The Plan

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After Klaus has done the dead which is Curse every wolf to turn on a a full moon we have Klaus and Daliah but first Elijah and Cami convo and also Freya got Taken by Daliah 

" Cami what do you mean it was his plan "

" He had to make it look convincing "

" That included killing Gia "

" Im sorry Elijah but it had to be done "

" What is is plan then "

" He and Daliah are linked "

Elijah thinks 

" That mean if we take one down we take both down"

" Yep it was the only way Elijah "

" Ah just like Klaus "

Klaus and Daliah 

Ready for me to teach your daughter 

" Well one thing "

Takes out the dagger 

" What why "

" Did you really think id let you have my daughter now we shall be asleep while my family finds a way to stop you "

" Let them try "

" Oh they will "

Klaus stabs Himself and they both fall on the ground while klaus turns grey as if he was dead 

Freya wakes up next to hope 

" Oh hope come here "

Freya calls Elijah 

" Freya "

" I got her and Klaus and Daliah are unconscious "

" Good get them or at least get klaus "

" what are we going to do "

( Oh i forgot to mention rebekah did stab herself while marcel was forced to kill and she is alive )

Rebekah wakes up 

" It worked "

" well ill say "

" Jer "

Runs and hugs him 

" well i wasnt the one who was forced to kill you since your aunt kind of nipped me "

Jeremy are you ok 

" Ill live ive had worse "

" I guess "

" You guess ive died lets see at least three times "

MArcel looks 

" Three are you a vampire "

" nope at least not yet at least "

" Then what are you "

" A hunter "

Looks at Rebekah 

" Arent they all dead i mean you killed them all "

" There were a new gen of vampire hunters "

" And your dating one didnt you learn the first time "

" Well hes the last living hunter that we know of "

" Well yeah the other two were killed while on the hunt for the cure "

" ah that "

" Yeah well explain later "

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