Finn v Elijah

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Ok so originally I was not going to write today because I got to play Sephiroth today and the presentation and I wasn't going to until I saw my pattern is every other day and we cant have me break the pattern / streak now can we 

So im going to do it now its with Finn and Elijah so yeah lets go 

As for Ephiroth hes scary and good im scared to play against him hes insane 

Ok back to The Originals and Away from Final Fantasy / Smash or Final Fantasy VII ( AC )

Ok we have Klaus Rebelkah and Kol And Rebekah already yelled at him he said he was dying and here we are where They found out they were trying to find the baby 

Klaus gets the  phone 

" Elijah finn is on his way to find hope "

" It appears your too late for that brother "

Elijah gets off 

" So it appears your here for hope "

" Where is she "

" Ill never tell, for someone it appears to be Noble your old brother wouldn't attack his niece let alone a kid "

" You stuffed me in a coffin for 900 years "

" Yes but I didnt try to kill a kid, I wont let you take her "

" I don't think you can stop me "

Uses magic to impale him in the back with a pickaxe and from the front with a shovel (  jot sure if the shovel is right but its whatever 

Finn looks and walks off to the house 

Klaus looks 

" what is it Nik "

" Finn is there "

" What how'd he find out "

" He tustve gotten it from marcel "

" what he suspected you were hiding something so he went after Marcel "

" We got to go quick Elijah still isn't Stable "

" What do you mean "

" Our Mother "

" AH right "

Elijah wakes up and removes the wood 

Finn is the house 

" Cammie where are you I just need something from you "

Eliaj comes in 

" You will not harm her "

" What are you going to do to stop me "

Elijah speeds and fights and falls into a wall where the gas falls and he looks at the blood and Finn walks in 

" You despicable Elijah you know that all this violence and killing your a monster "

" I know I am brother im not the one who pretends not to be, I know I am, you claim this isn't a monster, the older you would be disappointed "

Takes off his ring 

" Goodbye brother "

Cammie sees the explosion and drives to the gas station where Elijah is there 

" Elijah what Happened "

" Ill explain later now someone needs to see her mother "

Cammie and Elijah gets in the car and drives back to the manor 

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